The problem of applying thematic mapping of production facilities in order to obtain spatial data about the harmful effects on the environment is relevant. One of the factors that minimizes this impact is the observance of sanitary protection zones. Areas designated for sanitary protection zones must correspond to current data, which can be modeled by modern GIS technology using remote sensing data of the Earth, which will allow you to quickly and accurately obtain spatial characteristics of objects and analyze thematic information. Therefore, the aim of the work is to obtain and to analyze spatial thematic data on sanitary protection zones of industrial enterprises. Methods. For the spatial analysis of sanitary protection zones the method of modeling of spatial data using cartographic and remote sensing data and the analysis of the constructed model are applied. Results. A cartographic model was created and compliance with sanitary protection zones by industrial enterprises of Slavuta and Khmelnytsky nuclear power plant was analyzed. Scientific novelty and practical relevance. It consists in the complex application of cartographic and remote sensing data for modeling and analysis of the location of sanitary protection zones of enterprises in the city of Slavuta. The obtained thematic geospatial data can serve to eliminate the shortcomings of planning and development of both enterprises and the surrounding infrastructure. The analysis of the results showed an unsatisfactory state of compliance to requirements of sanitary protection zones by industrial enterprises in Slavuta. The tested workflow can be used for modeling and analysis of sanitary protection zones of enterprises that have a harmful effect on the environment, which will increase the level of control in the field of sanitary legislation using GIS technologies.
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