Errors in cadastral data exchange files – case study

: pp. 66-72
Received: September 14, 2017
Uzghhorod national university

Purpose. Given the importance of the land cadastre, the quality of the cadastral exchange file plays an extremely important role, both for the land cadastre and for all other cadastres as a whole. Despite the widespread use of cadastral XML exchange file formats in the field of land management, the lack of a sufficient understanding of the conceptual peculiarities of this thesaurus does not allow us to fully disclose its potential or functionally improve the cadastral exchange file and cadastral system of Ukraine. The materials of this article outline widely known files in the field of land management from a new point of view, such as the markup language. This article gives a detailed analysis and shows the disadvantages of the cadastral exchange file structure elements performed using XML technology. Result. Changing the point of view of the cadastral file offered by this article improves the mechanism for making changes to the structure of the cadastral exchange file and to directly identify it. Based on the analysis of the disadvantages of the existing station cadastral file sharing, a new design cadastral file sharing system was developed. In this work, manifestations of unproduction of the structure of the cadastral file and its uncontrollable dynamic changes where demonstrated. At the time of writing this article version 7 was available for the language determinant. Despite the fact that this determinant is developed solely for internal use in the Digitals environment, but with the absence of the same determinant specified by law leads to the arbitrary interpretation of the fidelity of the structure of the cadastral file implemented by software tools, such as Digitals and others. Scientific innovation. The obtained results give the opportunity to use them as a basis for further improvement of cadastral exchange files, as well as to eliminate existing disadvantages and differences with regulatory acts for cadastral file aspects and structure definition.

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