
Impact of information on solar flares and earthquakes on the prediction of the annual dynamics of the infrasound wave envelope

The research results on the effectiveness of using data on solar flares and earthquakes to predict the infrasound wave envelope are presented.  The resulting SARIMAX model, enhanced with the aforementioned external factors, exhibits a 30% reduction in mean squared error and a 29% increase in the coefficient of determination compared to the previously presented ARIMA model.  Additionally, a significant achievement of the new approach, compared to previous ones, is the successful reproduction of the sharp intensity drop in the envelope during the August–September–October


The article presents the software development for modeling and simulating the workspace of a collaborative robot taking into account the presence of people. This is an important step in creating safe and efficient robotic systems within Industry 5.0 concept. The problem is posed by the need to ensure safety during the interaction of the robot with the operator, which is relevant for modern production processes with high human participation.


Crime rate forecasting is a critical element in the development of strategies for sustainable socio-economic growth in a rule-of-law state. Accurate forecasting becomes particularly important in times of economic instability and geopolitical crises, as is the case in Ukraine. This article explores the problem of constructing and applying autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models to predict the total number of crimes committed in Ukraine.

Predicting the Duration of Treatment Using Personalized Medical Data

The article describes the problem of data personalization by identifying the individual characteristics necessary to solve the personalization problem. The essence of the researched problem of personalization and the solution of tasks of the estimated correlation between individual characteristics and the solution using the forecasting model has been also highlighted.


This article divulges the outcomes of theoretical investigations into non-uniformly damaged reinforced concrete beams, employing the LIRA-FEM software suite. The manifestation of defects and damages poses operational risks for buildings and structures. The objective of this study is to scrutinize the consequences of irregular damage occurrence in reinforced concrete beams, holding significant practical relevance for the determination of the stress-strain condition in reinforced concrete elements.

Mathematical modeling of mechanical properties in the permeation of green hydrogen through membrane separation materials

The potential role of hydrogen in the future of energy has generated significant enthusiasm, despite the fact that it might not completely replace oil.  Hydrogen, with its lengthy history and established place in long-term strategies and global perspectives, is seen as a pivotal player in the energy transition.  Currently, hydrogen finds primary use in industrial applications like ammonia production, oil refining, and steel manufacturing, targeting energy-intensive sectors where ammonia and oil refinement are prioritized.  However, the reliance on fossil fuels is contri

Application of the theory of dimensions in research of floor materials dispensers In multifactor experiment

Aim. The development of methods of the theory of similarity and dimensionality, criterion values, as an intermediate component between theory and experiment, which ensures a functional connection between entire sets of values that characterize the process at the level of a physical model and simplify the planned experiment. Method. Processes that have a single nature of the interaction of physical phenomena can be used to build mathematical models in the study of a continuous disk dispenser.

Побудова моделі оцінювання параметрів теплового комфорту на основі нечіткої логіки

Розглянуто основи побудови продукційної моделі нечіткої логіки для оцінювання температури внутрішньої поверхні зовнішньої огороджувальної конструкції. Обґрунтовано вибір вхідних параметрів моделі. Описано процедуру фазифікації входів і виходів та побудову правил логічних висновків.

The stages of creation production model of fuzzy logic for estimation temperature of the internal surface of external construction are considered. Choice of entrance parameters of model is shown. The procedure of fuzzification inputs and outputs and construction of rules is described.

Моделювання складних мереж

Здійснено огляд емпіричних та теоретичних результатів досліджень складних мереж. Наведено основні характеристики, на основі яких вивчаються топологія та еволюція в часі мереж, що виникли в результаті життєдіяльності людини. Зосереджено увагу на динамічних властивостях Інтернету та на аналізі поведінки в часі його основних характеристик. Досліджено топологію локальної комп’ютерної мережі BW- Star & Fox Net у місті Чернівці.