Iterative model of risk management of preparation of hazardous products in the restaurant industry

: pp. 156-164
Львівський інститут економіки і туризму
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The model of hazard risk management of products at the manufacturing stage is designed, which is a unified approach of the consistently integrated iterations with a set of measures of identification, assessment, monitoring and risk control based on the correlation of the principles and objectives of risk management. The offered model of management is a systematic approach to identify the risks in terms of daily production practices of the industry enterprises that have comprehensive nature with the set of controls and risks monitoring. By the analytical review of scientifically based facts proven results of laboratory research, based on the analysis of their sources, possible effect on health and lives of consumers, causes and potential consequences, the types of hazard risk of products are defined: the risk of food poisoning, the risk of toxic poisoning and the risk of the technical requirements inconsistency. The branch specificity of the manufacturing a dangerous product risks is defined which is expressed in multi-spectrality multiplacativity of the threats that complicate risk hazards complementing each other. The effect of multiplacativity of risks as a result of each other complementation or various risks blending, their dispersion in time and space, can significantly complicate the effects of risks. The research results underline that the responsibility for risk emergence during manufacture and sale of dangerous products is up to the producers. The risk of dangerous sources and factors is different. However, the most frequent causes of increased risks of manufacturing dangerous products are as follows: the violation of cooking technology and culinary products (ways and processing methods, thermal regimes, etc.) improper manufacturing and hygiene practices; cross-contamination due to violation of production facilities; violation of production sales requirements. The most typical risks of dangerous products manufacturing in the enterprises of restaurant business are considered, depending on the origin, and are grouped into three main groups of risks: · resource (poor quality of raw materials, inadequate storage conditions of goods in stock); · production, technical and technological (manufacturing and hygienic practices (Good Manufacturing Practice – GMP, Good hygiene practice – GHP), appropriate methods of technological processing of raw materials in cooking); · improper maintenance and sale of finished products. Defining the indicators of danger of the restaurant industry products was made by major types of raw materials, by the mass fraction, by the acceptable levels of normalized indicators. The hazard of products of the restaurant industry by the level of the hazard severity can be described by the following risks: § the risk of food poisoning (caused by microbes, viruses or protozoa or their metabolic products); § the risk of toxic poisoning (after chemical toxins, heavy metals, toxins, pesticides, nitrates, nitrites, food additives get into the body through food, the use of herbs, plants or inedible mushrooms); § the risk of the technical requirements inconsistency (discrepancy of energy value, organoleptic characteristics, conditions and methods of sales, etc.). Designed iterative model of risk management involves continuous determination of possible risks covering all stages of production and sales which allows minimizing or preventing the emergence of danger.


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