The results of research dynamic properties of computing components of measuring systems is considered. It is shown that the dynamic properties of computing components in the presentation Mealy machine arising due to the dynamic changes in input signals x (t). For the computing components to present Moore dynamic properties are determined mainly dynamic changes of metrological conditions computing components. A distinctive feature of Mealy machines is that their output signals depend on the state of the machine, and the value of the input signal. In Moore machine outputs y (t) at each discrete time t is uniquely determined by the state machine at the same time and do not depend on the input signаl. Hence, if the input mealy machine that keeps the same state will change the input of its value and in time, the output signal will change according to the algorithm of the machine. In the Moore machine this happens, change the output signal is possible only after the change in status. Therefore, when you receive repeated the same input signal at the outputs Moore machine can form various signals. In Moore machines forming the output signal takes time, and is usually divided into cycles. In each cycle, depending on the input signal and state machine output signal is formed and a new state. Thus, we can say that the output signal Moore automaton depends on the sequence of inputs. This causes the output depending on the time of admission to the input signal machine. Hence, one should note the existence of dynamic properties of the machine during operation. So the dynamic properties of computing component in the presentation Mealy machine arising due to the dynamic changes in the time of the input signals x (t). For the computing component to present Moore machine dynamic properties are determined mainly dynamic changes of metrological conditions of computing component. Then the dynamic properties of computing component in the presentation Mealy machine determined dynamic characteristic – the dependence of error of the results of numerical measurement conversion on the values of the error signal input at the time, and for the computing component to present Moore machine – dependent error numerical measuring conversion of options approach, which, in fact, responsible for change computing component metrological conditions at the time. The first type conversion is typical in the implementation of computational algorithms for the calculation formula, and the other type – in the implementation of computational algorithms for approximate calculation. A computational experiments with different types of computer algorithms are presented. For the first type conversion formula used for linear dependencies. For the second – iterative procedures and numerical integration.
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