Geodynamic model that seismic figure of Zakarpattya as a result of deformed researches

: pp. 157 - 159
Received: August 01, 2013
Carpathian experimental-methodical geophysical party, Carpathian branch of S. I. Subbotin name Institute of geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Carpathian branch of the Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Purpose. The aim of the research is the analysis of integrated observations of parameters of physical fields in the CSG of Transcarpathia, the establishment of the space-time dependence of observable quantities, identify their characteristics and connections of these fields with the geodynamic situation in the region to build a geomechanical model of the system of Transcarpathia, the process of accumulation and release of energy of elastic-deformation processes.  Methodology. The methodology includes a comprehensive analysis of the results of seismotectonic studies in the area Оаsh deep fault through the determination of the kinematic and dynamic parameters of horizontal movements, which were compared with spatio-temporal distribution of local seismicity in the interval 2006-2013 Results. Strainmeter research in recent years (1999-2013) provided for a secular motion and other dynamic characteristics of the mechanical processes. In 2013, in Transcarpathia registered tangible series of local earthquakes: 13.02.2013 year (Vynohradiv district), 15.03.2013 year, 04.04.2013 year (Khust district), 05.06.2013 year, 16.06.2013 year, 21.06.2013 year and 30.06.2013. Conducted an integrated geophysical studies in the region have identified a number of features in geophysical processes of the earth's crust. The earthquake was preceded by geodynamic activity caused by hydrodynamic factors. 2012 characteristic seismic activity in the region in the second half: 24.10.2012 (Mizhgirya district), 21.12.2012, (Rakhiv district). There is a compression of rocks, which is disturbed by short-term extensions of the rocks. Increasing the number of registered local and close earthquakes, the epicenters of which are located in the Carpathian-Balkan region, in particular in the Transcarpathian inner trough. Deformation processes in the area Оаsh deep fault changed the nature of the movement of the surface of the earth's crust from expansion to compression of rocks and coincide with movements in the North-Western part of the Transcarpathian internal deflection. The magnitude of the age-old moves in Transcarpathia are in the range of 10-30х10-7. For information on the stress-strain state of the Transcarpathian trough it is necessary to study the deformation movements in its southeastern part. Here are the epicenters of strong local earthquakes. Crustal movements in the Transcarpathian inner trough have an inherited nature and are part of the movements observed in other regions of Europe. Scientific novelty. For the first time defined the limit values of the studied physical parameters, which indicate the possibility of anomalous geophysical processes in the region. Anomalous deformation, a characteristic acceleration magnitude from 0.8 to 4x10-7 m/S2, after a certain period accompanied by tangible local earthquakes. Observed anomalous values of its speed and gradient their velocities during periods of increased seismicity in Transcarpathia for 2013. Practical meaningfulness. The dependence of the values calculated by the method of dynamic characteristics of a modern horizontal movements of the earth's crust and binding before check-in time of local earthquakes has demonstrated the feature of geodynamic processes in the Transcarpathian internal deflection - influence of hydrogeology on seismotectonic processes. Analysis of seismotectonic conditions in the area Оаsh fault for 2013 indicates the reliability of the identified features of deformation processes in the study area and the methodology used to estimate seismic hazard in the region. 

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