Geophysical observations in Zakarpattia and their results

: pp. 154 - 156
Received: August 01, 2013
Carpathian experimental-methodical geophysical party, Carpathian branch of S. I. Subbotin name Institute of geophysics of NAS of Ukraine
Carpathian Branch of Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine

Purpose. The aim of the research is the analysis of the results of complex geophysical observations in the area Oach fault, the study of the influence of meteorological parameters on seismodynamic condition, geodynamic connection parameters with parameter variations of geophysical fields, calculations of the parameters of the dynamic nature in deformation processes in the region, which can be used as characteristics of the geophysical processes of the earth's surface in the zone of possible local earthquakes. Methodology. The technique involves the analysis of stress-strain state of Zakarpattia internal deflection results deformation observations point to deformation station "Korolevo" for 2012-2013, the comparison of the periods the registration of local earthquakes temporal distribution of accelerations of modern movements of the earth's crust in Transcarpathian inner trough in the first half of 2013. Spatio-temporal distribution of the stress-strain state of rocks is studied by determining the average deformation values at the point of observation. Discusses the variations in the meteorological state of the region and other geophysical fields to identify the factors influencing its seismotectonic state. Results. The results of processing strainmeter observations in the area Oach fault for the observation period from 1999 to 2011, pointed to the expansion of rocks by lowering the surface of the crust with different speeds confirmed by the results of satellite geodesy – in the zone Oach fault is the line of zero vertical velocity movements. The modern state of seismotectonic processes in the zone of Oach fault characteristic compression of rocks from 2012. A similar process in the region was recorded in 2003, two years have changed the extension of rocks and seismic activity. We measured the slow movements of the earth crust on deformograficheskie stations "Beregovo-1", "Beregovo-2". Installed in the zone Oach deep fault deformograficheskie station "Korolevo" from the very beginning of its operation 1999 to 2012 were recorded rapid expansion of the earth's surface with variable speed from -12•10-7 to 30•10-7. A watershed year in the nature of secular movements of the earth's surface in the zone Oach fault was 2012, marked compression of rocks with a speed –10x10-7. Similar processes were observed in the horizontal movements of Beregovo Horlogerie in the late 80-ies of XX century. The overall picture grafics in the area Oach fault characterized by a certain periodicity. Precipitation leads to significant changes in the geomechanical system of geological structures of Transcarpathia. The increase of water mass leads to a change in the energy balance of tectonic movements of the earth's crust in the study area. The additional load on the surface of the earth's crust causes earthquakes, through which it releases the stored energy of deformation processes. Determined the dynamics of raising the water level in the river Tisza (p. Trosnic) and temporal distribution of strong local earthquakes. Correlation was found between the fluctuations of the height of water in wells and displacement of points on the earth surface in the area Oach fault. In the annual range of temperature has no significant influence on the deformation processes. Seismic activity in the region is associated with perturbations in atmospheric pressure, accompanied by disturbances of geophysical fields, and manifests itself in periods of abnormal variations of the dynamic characteristics caused by hydrogeological factor. Originality. Analyzed the stress-strain state and the variations of meteorological parameters, hydrogeological condition of the Transcarpathian internal deflection for 2012-2013 Seen: earthquake registered after periods of high accelerations of modern movements of the earth's crust in the area Oach deep fault. Defined periodicity grafics horizontal movements in the Central part of Transcarpathia. For the first time defined the dynamics of raising the water level in the river Tisza (p. Trosnic) and reference to the interaction with a temporal distribution of strong local earthquakes. The practical significance. The parameters of the dynamic nature of the deformation processes in the region, which can be used as characteristics of the geophysical processes of the earth's surface in the zone of possible local earthquakes. The results obtained are necessary for the characterization of geological processes in the region and the creation of a model of the geodynamic state seismoactive zone.

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