Clinical laboratory diagnostics (laboratory medicine) is one of the most important components of the health care system, which provides medical diagnostic assistance to patients in assessing health status, diagnosis of diseases, monitoring of the results of treatment, further prediction of the course of the disease and quality of life that has a national importance in preserving and improving the health of the population. The quality of life of a sick person in modern medicine is considered as an integral characteristic of her condition consisting of physical, psychological, and social components. Each of them in turn contains a number of components, for example, physical – the symptoms of the disease, the ability to perform physical work, the ability to self-service; psychological – anxiety, depression, hostile behavior; social – social support, work, public relations, etc. Their comprehensive study allows you to determine the level of quality of life and find out their influence on it. It is a fact that the patient is involved in the assessment of his condition and his active involvement in collaboration is important, since only the patient can provide adequate information about the degree of satisfaction with aspects of his life that are directly related to the symptoms of the disease and its psychological, social and other consequences.
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