: pp. 32-36
State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandard”
State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandard”, Ukraine
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași, Romania

The article presents the results of comparative expert research to establish the importance of the applied national
criteria for the quality of the educational program (CQEP) of higher education institutions (HEIs). For these studies, a group expert
assessment of the importance of the CQEP for the educational program (EP) in the field of computer-integrated technologies was
applied. The teaching staff of two universities is involved in conducting such an evaluation: The State University of Telecommunications
(Ukraine) and the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iași (Romania). To conduct this research, the existing CQEP
and their sub-criteria and a special algorithm of group expert evaluation were used. It has been established that the most important
CQEP and their sub-criteria include, first of all, CQEP regarding human resources, the educational environment, material resources,
and the structure and content of the EP. The greatest spread of experts’ opinions (from the weightiest to the least weighty)
can be stated for the sub-criteria of CQEP regarding access to EP and recognition of training results and transparency and publicity.
With this in mind, this CQEP sub-criteria requires close attention when revising them for a better balance of the
CQEP sub-criteria system. Harmonization of the list of fields of knowledge and specialties for which higher education students are
trained with the International Standard Classification of Education, as well as the national terminological and conceptual apparatus
with the international one, should be considered extremely appropriate in Ukraine. The issue of prioritizing the preparation of
higher educational institutions for the accreditation of the EP, meeting the most essential requirements of the sub-criteria of the
CQEP, and taking into account their significant number, remains relevant. This also determines the relevance and necessity of
conducting special expert studies on the comparison of the importance of CQEP for different fields of knowledge.

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