Regional stress fields in the flysh deposits in the valley of the Rybnyk river determined by complex method of joints and slickensides studies

: 79-85
Department of Engineering Geodesy, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Subbotin Institute of geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The article is devoted to the tectonophysical researches which are carry out in the valley of Rybnyk river right affluent of river Stryy. Research included the study of joints by structural parageneses and slickensides by kinematic methods in four thrust of Skyba nappe: Parashka, Malmanstalska, Zelemianka, Rozhanka. The stress fields after slickensides and joints on the basis of collected from outcroppings along the valley of this river tectonophysical data was reconstructed. On this basement the change of directions of the regional stress fields in different (Paleocene-Oligocene, Miocene and post Miocene) time on this territory are studied.

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