Purpose. The aim of the research is to estimate parameters for seismic dislocations, for example of strong earthquakes in the Turan platform and adjacent mountainous part of Western Tien-Shan, as well as identifying the relationship between the magnitudes and lengths of breaks for pleistoseist zones. Methodology. The technique is based on the analysis of modern and paleoseismic dislocations which are identified in the macroseismic survey the epicentral zones of strong tectonic earthquakes, with the implementation of the empirical evaluations, as well as identifying the main and paleostresses. Results. The nature of the changes of the movements was analyzed which influencing the deformation of the studied areas in the period of “operation” of the seismic sources and a number of features of deformation of the Earth's surface was revealed. It turns out that strong earthquakes in the Western Tien Shan, including the local seismogenic zones correspond to the low amplitude of deformation on the Earth's surface and the possible movements leave a trace in the form of additional vertical or horizontal displacements with certain limiting deformation and seismodislocations. It is shown that the vertical movement manifest throughout the field of observation in the parameters of displacement and with greater intensity at the points of measurement which located in pleistoseist area, where more seismodislocations was accumulates, that do not contradict the established foundations of earthquakes preparation process. It is revealed that the deformation on the surface at the averaged values of the depths of the foci turned out associated with seismodislocations formations only for short epicentral zones and are little pronounced in the hard rocks. Originality. It is established that studying the changes and conducting numerical definitions for several types of seismodislocations and also conducting the analysis of distribution of deformations of the Earth's surface we can determine the likely magnitude M of the earthquake, on which could be formed the seismodislocations with the observed length L. This gave the opportunity to define a logical empirical relationship between magnitude and length of seismodislocations. Practical significance. The study of seismodislocations on the earth's surface after strong tectonic earthquakes precise the macroseismic visual definition and significantly increase the stability of evaluations under seismic microzoning, especially in areas of low-velocity Quaternary sediments.
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