Research of geothermal energy parameters in deep wells
Received: April 26, 2017
SE "Naukanaftogaz" NJSC "Naftogaz Ukrainy"
Lviv State University of Life Safety; Scientific-Research Institute "Naukanaftogaz", Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)

The aim of the work is to develop and study an energy method for extracting geothermal energy from deep wells, which is generated by rocks to the internal space of wells during the circulation of the washing fluid in it in different geological conditions of the world, and in particular in Ukraine. The method of achieving the goal includes the results of experimental and theoretical studies of the stationary process of heat flow from the geological environment to the space of the deep well in the various productions of drill pumps, in different geological conditions, with different properties of the washing liquid. The research took into account the models of "cold" and "hot" Earth. The investigation included the heat transfer in deep wells in different geological conditions of the world, and studied the questions about the physics of the measured heat flux, the maximum possible density of the heat flux, and their dependent physical and technological parameters. The influence of the geothermal energy factor on the part of rocks in the space of the well during the circulation of the washing liquid in it at various pump outputs was studied. It is established that the value of the density of the heat flux from the rocks in the well significantly exceeds the known values that are determined by the geophysical law of the Fourier thermal conductivity on the basis of the use of geothermal gradient data. The energy method for the determining of the real energy characteristics of the geothermal energy factor, which show the ability of deep wells to generate thermal energy for commercial use is proposed. The legitimacy of "cold" Earth models with a decrease and "hot" Earth with stable values of temperatures for the well hole is confirmed. The scientific novelty consists in solving the problem of identifying the experimental parameters of the heat transfer system in the borehole with the geophysical parameters of the process, on the basis of the developed energy method of heat transfer in the space of the well This provided a scientific explanation of the increased and reduced value of the density of heat fluxes in the processes of heat transfer in deep wells based on the "cold" and "hot" models of the Earth. The practical significance of the results obtained  substantiated the feasibility of building geothermal plants with an industrial capacity for the extraction of geothermal energy based on the use of separate insulating layers in deep wells.

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