GNSS has become common practice in determining movements and deformations of the earth crust in the global and regional scale. The results of observations at 147 permanent GNSS-stations located in Europe have been used to calculate the parameters of crust deformation. Using the Delaunay triangulation, our study region was divided into a network of triangles. Calculated velocity of the dilatation are belonging to the centers of the elementary triangle which was divided our study region. Schemes of the dilatations distribution in Europe from 2000 to 2010 have been created. General scheme of dilatation migration in Europe during the research period and the scheme of appeared earthquake epicenters in Europe from 2000 to 2010 have been made too. Analyzing schemes possible to tell that the shift of these extremes in time have their continuous and consistent character. Local epicenters of earthquakes in Europe coincide or overlap with manifestations of extreme values of the dilatation of the earth crust. The analysis of the relationship of manifestation of seismic activity in Europe with the change of the velocity of the dilation of the crust in time. Analyzing the results and created scheme we can concluded that the manifestations of the extreme values of the velocity crustal dilatation in Europe during the study period in most cases not migrate depending on the thickness of the crust, and are tied to specific tectonic faults, their migration paths pretty well reflect the tectonic plates movements in Europe, and local centers of earthquake epicenters in Europe coincide or overlap with manifestations of extreme values of velocity crustal dilatation.
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3. The National Earthquake Information Center /
4. The European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre /