Purpose. The aim of investigations are comparative analysis of magnetic-variation parameters series from permanent geophysical station N.Selysche (Carpathians backdeep, Ukraine) and magnetic observatory Hurbanovo (West Carpathians, Slovak), definition of anomalous effects with regional features and studies of their relations with seismicity. Methodology. For comparative analysis were applied results of geomagnetic field variations records during 2011 from permanent geophysical station N.Selysche (Ukraine) and magnetic observatory Hurbanovo (Slovak). On the base of these data by developed program complex induction vectors for six ranges of variation periods from 1–2.5 min to 40–60 min were calculated. Real and imaginary parts of Vize vectors A (Northern) and B (Eastern) were calculated for long-term periods daily, and for short-term periods 14 values daily. Results. Were arranged time series of magnetic-variations parameters (Vize vectors components) for Hurbanovo observatory and N.Selysche station during 2011 year. Comparative analysis of series had shown that, independently from different level and nature of disturbance, different types of hardware, location of stations in different geotectonic conditions temporal variations of Vize vectors parameters have similar morphology. For Hurbanovo observatory also was done comparison of anomalous features of Vize vectors components with local seismicity. At the beginning of the year was defined a local anomaly, nature of which, probably, is connected with seismic-tectonic processes in the regions lithosphere. Originality. For the first time was done a comparative analysis of Vize vector components time series for geomagnetic variations in the period range from 1 to 60 min in the geophysical station N.Selysche (Carpathians backdeep, Ukraine) and magnetic observatory Hurbanovo (West Carpathians, Slovak) for 2011 year. Practical significance. The results can be applied for monitoring methods modernization of seismic-tectonic processes and upgrade its effectiveness in Carpathians seismic-active zones.
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