In this paper, we discuss basic geological-petrophysical criteria used in prospecting for hydrocarbon deposits at prospective complexes: typical geological-petrophysical sections, capacity-filtration models, thermobaric parameters. Analysis of those criteria is directed at producing the estimation of oil and gas in the parts of oil- and gas-bearing provinces or at the individual prospective sites.
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2. Termobarychni parametry produktyvnykh horyzontiv vuhlevodniv rodovyshch Karpatskoi naftohazonosnoi provintsii / V.H. Osadchyi, I.M. Kurovets, I.M. Hrytsyk, S.P. Melnychuk // Heolohiia i heokhimiia horiuchykh kopalyn. – 2005. – № 1. – S. 28–35.