
Оцінювання проекту системи підтримки прийняття рішень

Запропоновано методики оцінювання проекту системи підтримки прийняття рішень. Ці методики враховують економічні аспекти якості проекту та цінність інформаційних ресурсів і прийнятого рішення

Selection of methods for Searching Some or Similar Images

The article describes the research of image analysis methods. The methods of indexing images for the search of duplicate images, as well as methods for finding similar images based on the definition of key points are described. The prototype of the system was created, and testing of the described methods was carried out. The result of the analysis became the basis for the information system project of reverse search of similar or identical images.

Метод контент-аналізу текстової інформації інтернет-газети

Were made a review of the concept of analysis, types of analysis, classification of analysis, methods of its implementation and made a review of modern system of analysis of content. To analyze site content were used the following methods: analysis of the visitor content, analysis of the required amount of content, graphical analysis of content. Were analyzed the methods and design tools. Used methods and technologies of charts that display logical and physical model of the system. Determined the interaction of objects in the system that are ordered by time of their execution.

Organizational and legal aspects of collection, analysis and use of information by bodies of the State fiscal service of Ukraine

In the scientific article the separate organizational and legal aspects of information and analytical activity of the bodies of the State fiscal service of Ukraine are examined, normative preconditions of such activity in tax and customs bodies are determined.

Investigation of possibilities for improving the quality of 3D-printing products

The analysis methods of quality control on production 3D- printer for selective laser sintering technology of special products via the sizes of which we can estimate the geometric parameters and via an additional control system we can high up their quality in real time. Increasing demands for precision measurement raises new problems of optimization of mathematical models of measuring  transformations, and adequate processing of experimental data.

Classification of methods for the big data analytics

This article describes the features of classification methods and technologies, analytics Big data. Described group of methods and technologies, analytics Big data that are graded according to the functional relationships and formal model of information technology. The problem of the definition of ontology concepts analytics Big data.

Amateur sports games internet portal features analysis

The aim is the development of social networking Web portal for building not only social activities and ties, but also for the development and promotion of active lifestyle among people at all ages and status. The key objectives of the information system development through building of an objective tree have been identified. UML modeling of the system was fulfilled by building of diagrams such as: USE CASE, SEQUENCE, STATECHART, DEPLOYMENT, also the problem and tasks have been set.

Problem right knowledge: epistemological limits and possibilities

The article analyzes the fundamental methodological problem of law in the context of the epistemological limits and possibilities of knowledge of law, the right of communication of professional culture lawyer, legal philosophical understanding of reality, truth and unity of values in law, philosophy, crime, social justice as a fundamental principle of law, human law historiographical problems of philosophy of law, the phenomenon of European law.

Сoncept of personality: comparative analysis philosophical and legal schools

This article provides a comparative analysis of the concept of individual fundamental philosophical and legal schools. The founder of modern personalism of E. Mounier believed that the “I” man is the “primary reality”, and it is, in his opinion, there is a premise and reality of historical works. Personality – center reorientation objective universumu who reached the level of personal existence, is the subject of creating their own human reality.

Мікроконтролерний синусно-косинусний обчислювач підвищеної швидкодії

В роботі подано результати дослідження різних модифікацій CORDIC алгоритмів на мікроконтролері для обчислення тригонометричних функцій синуса та косинуса. Описано загальні принципи роботи алгоритмів цього класу, а також кожну з модифікацій зокрема. Кожен з методів реалізований як на мові С так і на асемблері, що дає можливість оцінити якість генерації коду компілятором. Наведені результати порівняння числового моделювання, зокрема по кількості елементарних операцій та точності обчислення для однакових вхідних даних.