
State and Stateness: Contemporary Geopolitical and International Legal Threats

Modern doctrinal approaches to the definition of the concepts of “state” and “statehood” are
debatable and sometimes controversial, which necessitates their clarification in view of the existing global
and local trends.
It is suggested that “statehood” is broader than the concept of “state”. The former is associated
with independence, state sovereignty, the existence of state and municipal authorities, a system of legal
norms and their international recognition. The main characteristics of statehood include the national self-

Theoretical aspects of legal culture perception

Abstract. The main theoretical approaches to understanding the concept and essence of legal culture, its historical development and formation are revealed. The article considers certain definitions of legal culture, including in the branch of law and public administration, formulated by a number of scientists, who mainly focused on the following subject matters of legal culture: law itself, legal awareness, legal relations, law and order, legitimate activities of participants in public relations.

Centenary of Ukrainian state-building: organization of power and management structures under conditions of Ukrainian statehood recovery (1917 – 1920)

This article examines events of Ukrainian state-building at the beginning of the XX c., in particular problems which emerged in the process of creating and developing management structures in the epoch of the Central Council and Ukrainian People’s Republic under conditions of aspirations for national liberation and the struggle with foreign enemies and internal challenges. By studying these historical events, we find evidence of certain past analogies with the present which are accordant with the current search for an etatist approach to problem-solving in modern Ukraine.

Perspectives of the state building and Ukrainian national idea in the works of Ivan Franko

Ivan Franko’s thoughts on the topic of the Ukrainian national idea and perspectives of Ukrainian statehood in the early twentieth century were researched. The material of the journalistic heritage clarifies the views of Ivan Franko on the essence of the Ukrainian national idea and the means of its realization, in particular, the role of the young generation in consolidating all national-patriotic forces in the struggle for the independence and unity of Ukraine.

National issue in the West Ukrainian People's Republic. The 100th Anniversary of the achievements of Ukrainian state-building

Problem setting. In different epochs, the state-building processes in Ukraine had characteristic features that should be taken into account today. The achievements of the Central Rada, the Hetmanate, the Directory, and the Soviet government in Ukraine reveal the complex external and internal circumstances of state-building. Political leaders of this period pursued their own principles of governance, often ignoring the lessons of the past.

"State" and "statehood": on the problem of theoretical and legal and historical and legal content of concepts in the context of ukrainian (national) state formation

The urgency of the problem mentioned in the title is due to the need to understand the peculiarities of the formation and development of the state in Ukraine as a systemic phenomenon, the essential and necessary features of which reflect the concepts: “state”, “statehood” and “state formation”. Understanding the latter is important both for understanding the historical and legal features of Ukraine’s past, and for assessing the logic of modern political and social processes in our country.

The phenomenon of the nation in the scientific discussion: to the methodology of the problem of historical continuity of the nation and state

The prevailing approaches in the domestic and world scientific thought are the
approaches to the essence of the concept of “nation”, its content and volume, the time of
appearance, as well as the relationship with the concepts of “ethnos” and “people”. It is
emphasized that the concept of “nation” most often correlates with the concepts of “ethnos”
and “people”. The idea is that the nation is a people that is exalted by the stockpile of state
forces, endowed with the ability to identify and separate from other nations the state borders,

Феномен нації у науковому дискурсі: до методології проблеми історичної спадкоємності нації та держави

Висвітлено панівні у вітчизняній та світовій науковій думці підходи щодо сутності
поняття «нація», його змісту й обсягу, часу появи, а також взаємозв’язку з поняттями
«етнос» і «народ». Наголошено на тому, що поняття «нація» найчастіше корелює з
поняттями «етнос» і «народ». Висловлено думку, що нація – це народ, піднесений
запасом державницьких сил, наділений змогою до самоідентифікації й відмежування від
інших націй державними кордонами, а також - інтегрування інших націй до складу своєї
держави на правах національних меншин.

Methodology law as an organized form of world of thinking and investigator

The article deals with the methodological  situation in modern jurisprudence. It is stressed that its main feature is the conversion  from the  monistic totality of the researching methods of the philosophical-methodological  pluralism. Established that the philosophical basis of research is pluralistic methodology that combines equal content and origin essence methods.