
Museums of the 21st Century in the context of globalization: new meanings, challenges and trends

Modern museum environment intensively passes the process of transformation in the context of global geopolitical, economic, social and cultural changes. It is impossible to forget that exactly museums are for today that perform the duty of forming of historical memory of the Ukrainian people and identities, promotes self-actualization of nation.

Museum communication in the face of the challenges of globalization

The article deals with the problem of actualization the potential of the museum in a globalized society. Modern communication paradigm is considered in the context of providing the possibility of direct involvement of all participants to communication process. Modern social needs lead to social change of the museum mission towards effective cooperation with society. Communicative space of museum in modern conditions is characterized by availability and the possibility of cultural values transmission in the virtual space. 

National historic and cultural heritage in the system of historical memory and challenges of modern globalization

The article is devoted to theoretical substantiation of sociohumanitarian transformations, their threats and opportunities in modern globalizational conditions of Ukrainian society’s development. Attention is paid to the role and significance of national historical and cultural heritage to form consolidational potential of objective historical memory and its use in cultural and educational sphere and international activity.