
The influence of legal culture on the formation and development of legal society in Ukraine

The article outlines the role of legal culture and its influence on the formation and development of legal society, as building a civil society, democratic, rule of law is not only a domestic political need, but also an external necessity dictated by Ukraine's development in globalization. In fact, for all its diversity, the world is united in the fact that real progress is made only where the social conditions for the discovery of the main resource of civilization - man.

Key Trends in the Development of Customs Systems in the Conditions of Globalization and European Integration

In modern conditions, the dynamic development of international trade in Europe, on the one hand, increases the economic competitiveness of the state and strengthens its financial and economic condition, and on the other hand, causes significant threats to national security, its markets and society associated with illegal movement of international supply chains.


In the paper investigated safety of socio-economic processes in the virtual space. Studied the main trends influence on formation of preventive and adaptive mechanisms for ensuring information and cyber security enterprises. Key trends of the modern business and social environment include: globalization, informatization and individualization of consumer needs; mediatization, territorialization and universalization of social phenomena.

Impact of globalization processes on the external migration of Ukraine’s population

The problem of labor migration in the conditions of globalization is investigated. The labor migration plays a crucial role in today’s world population migration process. It is noted that the processes of globalization in their content are cultural, social, economic, political “challenges” for Ukraine. The globalization has both a positive and a negative impact on the development of Ukrainian society and the state.

The information war as a modern globalization phenomenon

The article deals with the manifestation of socio-legal nature in such a recent globalization
phenomenon as the information war. It has been proven that manipulating information through
psychological influence on an opponent has historically been a means of warfare. It is pointed out that
the peculiarity of the information war is not only that the influence is exercised through the use of the
latest means, but also that it is an uncontrolled resource that is very weakly regulated, and therefore

Higher education in Ukraine: legal aspects of their functioning

The article clarifies that the legal mechanism of the system of regulation of higher
education is a set of international legal acts, obligations of Ukraine, the Constitution of
Ukraine, laws of Ukraine, by-laws and individual acts of application, intended to regulate legal
relations between the subjects of educational activities in the process of influencing the
education sector. It is determined that the peculiarities of the organizational and legal
mechanism of state regulation of higher education transformation are independent

Phenomenon of globalization in the conceptions of the modern orthodoxtheological and culturological opinion

In the article, the phenomenon of globalization is considered in the light of the modern
Orthodox and theological opinion. The author tries to find an answer to the question – how,
according to the scholars and theologians, the processes of globalization and secularization are
interrelatedin modern society. Particular attention is paid to the ideology of «New Age», which
became the basis of one of the most common, non-traditional religious movements of the era of

Legacy of the World Educational Space and Its Influence on the Interaction of Education and Culture

The article analyzes interaction of the educational system and culture during the process of world educational space development. Versatile influence of the world educational space on the creation of a new educational and cultural reality, in which take place self-realization of the individual, enhancement of the dialogue of cultures and preservation of national and cultural peculiarities is theoretically grounded.

Legal integration of Ukraine in the plan of globalization discussion

The integration processes taking place in the modern world lead to the development of the
national systemof legislation. Exploring the origin and evolution of Ukrainian legislation, it should
be noted that this process is long and characterized by specific stages of development and the
formation of our state. Introduce the integration processes in the country, first of all, it is necessary
to be guided by the fact that each legal system of a certain state, which is stipulated by the system

Theoretical and legal problems of multi-culturalism as a traditional model of adaptation

The article is devoted to the problems of multiculturalism, since the development of various processes in the world raises the question of this traditional model of adaptation, proving its ineffectiveness and inconsistency with the present.