Modern information technologies in the activities of prosecutor's offices

: 155-160
Lesko N. Modern information technologies in the activities of prosecutor's offices.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article deals with modern information technologies inthe activities of prosecutor’s offices. It is stressed that the character and importance of information technologies used by prosecutors can directly or indirectly influence transparency of the prosecutor’s work; professional exercising of their functions; personal security; communication with the law enforcement agencies; improvement of the document flow; access to data and reliable processing of information; effectiveness of managerial and procedural decisions. Informatization of prosecutorial activities should be considered as a favorable environment for introducing digitalization, modern information and communication, network, analytical and automated technologies in the prosecutors’ managerial (administrative) and procedural activities that are carried out by using organizational and legal, as well as financial support.  

Informatization of the activities of prosecutor’s office has great prospects, as it is a complex of processes, necessary to create optimal conditions (organizational, legal, political, social and economic, scientific and technical, production processes) for an integral use of information and communication technologies in the work of prosecutor’s offices of Ukraine. The current conditions of information technologies development confirm that effective performance of tasks and responsibilities by prosecutors is impossible without automated systems, modern hardware and software. 

It is determined that information support for the activities of prosecutor’s offices is a complex process, focused on creation of a system of information resources of the prosecutor’s offices, which provide the opportunity to achieve goals, fulfill tasks, and exercise functions, assigned to the prosecutor’s offices. Moreover, information support for the activities of prosecutor’s offices aims to organize obtaining, registration, storage, analysis, transfer and employment of the information, required for effective performance of the prosecutor’s duties, as well as maintenance of the information safety; creation of prerequisites for supplying full information for the publicity. 

Information support for prosecutor's offices is viewed as the legal relations, which appear in the process of collection, accumulation, processing, storage and employment of information by prosecutor’s offices and in relation to them.

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