
Prospects for the Development of International Economic Relations Between Ukraine and Kuwait

The development level of international economic relations between Ukraine and Kuwait can be described as gradually growing but still insufficient. In the context of globalization and increased regional integration, bilateral economic relations remain important in ensuring economic stability and the development of national economies. Despite the ongoing war, Ukraine has substantial agricultural, industrial, and technological potential and seeks to expand its presence in international markets by exploring new partnership opportunities.

Gross Domestic Product of Ukraine in the Context of Global Challenges

The article analyses the dynamics of Ukraine's GDP in the light of social and political challenges of recent years. Ukraine's GDP dynamics were negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing full-scale russian invasion. The factors that caused a slowdown in economic growth in most regions of the world are also outlined: large-scale quarantine measures, supply chain disruptions, the abolition of fiscal stimulus for economic development, and tight monetary policies of central banks in developed countries.

State regulation of transborder cooperation at the regional level

Within the European regions formed on the borders between Ukraine and the EU, the activation of investment cooperation and the diversification of its areas of activity are largely determined by the nature of the investment climate. This is because the investment climate’s features determine the importance of investment projects and their implementation in the relevant cross-border regions, will prioritize the development of these areas, as well as providing the availability of positive stimulus for legitimate investors for their work in the cross-border market.

The role of public-private partnership in transport infrastructure restoration in Ukraine

Problem setting. Significant attention has been paid to the attraction of investments in the development of transport infrastructure in recent years. However, the imple- mentation of modernization projects in this sector has stopped due to military actions on the territory of Ukraine. Public-private partnership projects  could be a good tool for involvement the investment in this field. But public-private agreements are still not fully used in Ukraine.

Prospects of using public and private partnership for the reconstruction of Ukraine in the post-war period

Problem statement. Because of the military aggression of the Russian Federation, the Ukrainian people and the authorities face demanding challenges regarding the reconstruction of the country. One of the main priorities during the recovery in the post- war period is to find new, alternative sources of financing, in particular, using the advantages of public and private partnership (PPP).

Improvement of Regulatory and Legal Environment of Public-private Partnership in the Field of Road Transport of Ukraine

Problem setting. Economic development is very important in the processes of positive transformations  of the country, a large part of ensuring economic growth is transport infrastructure, one of the main types of which is road transport. Recently, the Ukrainian economy has been weakened by the global crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the worst thing that has happened so far is the extremely difficult martial law and the Russian invasion with a full-scale war against Ukraine.


Purpose - The purpose of the article is to study esports market, analyse data on esports dynamics in the world and Ukraine and possible investment areas of esports and its investment attractiveness.

Design/methodology/approach –  Conducting the research, general scientific theoretical research methods have been used, namely, analysis, synthesis, systematization, explanation. The method of abstract and logical generalization was applied to study and analyze scientific publications, analytical reports, and legal documents.

Public assistance in the development of special economic zones in ukraine

Problem setting. Ukraine has suffered enormous economic losses in recent years. The intense decline in key macroeconomic indicators, the collapse of production and the physical destruction of industry in the occupied territories, the high proportion of depressed regions, the rapid decrease in the inflow of foreign investment and the deterioration of the investment climate induce to look for new instruments of economic growth. In world practice, the special economic zones are the powerful instruments for economic growth.

Marketing instruments for attracting investments in territorial communities

Problem setting. Ukraine has significant regional imbalances in attracting investment. The most attractive for investors is Kyiv city, where almost 50% of foreign investments are accumulated. At the same time, other regions remain unattractive for investors. The unsatisfactory situation in the regions is a reflection of unfavorable investment climate and requires the use of new tools to attract investment. The use of marketing tools can stimulate the inflow of investment into small cities and communities.