
Domestic and Foreign Experience in the Development of Management Systems of Recreation Enterprises

The article presents a comprehensive examination of domestic and international experiences in developing management systems for recreational enterprises. A thorough comparative analysis was conducted, focusing on approaches to managing recreational enterprises in Europe (with case studies from Italy, Spain, and France), the United States, and Asia (exemplified by Japan, Singapore, and South Korea). This analysis facilitated the identification of strengths, weaknesses, and both shared and distinctive features when compared to domestic practices.

Application of Innovative Tools to Optimize Business Processes of Enterprises in the Context of European Integration: Challenges and Prospects

The article discusses the challenges and prospects of applying innovative tools for optimizing business processes of enterprises in the context of European integration. The classification of business processes of enteprises, as well as innovations and innovation processes, has been supplemented and systematized.

The Impact of Business Analytics on Corporate Management: Opportunities and Challenges

This article explores the advantages and challenges of implementing business analytics in corporate management. The study examines the current state and future prospects of the business analytics market, analyzing various types of analytics: descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive. The research highlights the key benefits of using analytical tools in business, such as improved forecasting accuracy, effective risk management, and business process optimization.


Purpose – The purpose of the article is to investigate the peculiarities of the application of digital competences in the process of personnel management of enterprises and to substantiate their influence on socio-economic development of the state.

The need to use enterprise management monitoring in the context of the transition to green energy

In today’s environment, domestic enterprises are increasingly aware of the importance of transitioning to green energy. In this direction, organisations are considering emission standards, using energy-efficient technologies, considering environmental aspects of production, etc. Businesses that reduce their carbon footprint are generally more likely to attract investment. They are also more socially oriented and balanced in terms of sustainable development.

Система управління безпекою життєдіяльності мешканців великого міста

Розглянуто основні поняття безпеки життєдіяльності міста, особливості управління безпекою, постановка задачі управління безпекою міста, фактори впливу на безпкеку міста та наслідки цього впливу, проаналізовано зв”язок факторів впливу та наслідків для типових об”єктів та систем міського середовища.

Математичне моделювання перехідних процесів в системах транспортування газу

Розглянуті задачі розрахунку параметрів нестаціонарних процесів у разі перемикань, які використовуються в управлінні газопотоками. Запропоновано алгоритми формування порядку перемикань. Запропоновано алгоритми, які забезпечують, за значних коливань витрати та тиску, стійку роботу методів розрахунку параметрів газопотоків.

Управління екологічною безпекою міста

Розглянуто проблеми екологічної безпеки міста як складової безпеки життєдіяльності міста. Проаналізовано причин виникнення небезпек і можливі варіанти їх ліквідації за допомогою управлінських дій. Запропоновано концептуальну схему управління міською екобезпекою і структуру управлінського органу, алгоритм управління екобезпекою.

The university clinic as a factor in ensuring the quality of medical education: administrative aspect

The article analyzes the functioning of the university clinic as a factor in ensuring the quality of medical education. It was found that the university clique ensures high quality of medical care and creates conditions for quality education of medical workers. It is proposed to create and/or improve established university clinics in order to improve the quality of medical education in Ukraine. 

Managing the Activities of Cybersecurity Professionals in the Context of Full-Scale Intrusion

In this study dedicated to the management of cybersecurity professionals in the context of full-scale intrusion, significant aspects of this pressing issue have been examined. Drawing from an analysis of the content of cybersecurity professionals' activities and their core concepts, it has been identified that this field encompasses various facets requiring diverse skills and knowledge from these experts. Specifically, cybersecurity experts must possess technical expertise, understand threats and risks, detect and thwart cyberattacks, and adhere to ethical and legal standards.