: 209-217
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Management of Organizations
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Purpose – The purpose of the article is to investigate the peculiarities of the application of digital competences in the process of personnel management of enterprises and to substantiate their influence on socio-economic development of the state.

Design/methodology/approach – The methodology of this study is based on a comprehensive approach to the study of the role of digital competences in the process of personnel management of enterprises, using the methods of theoretical generalization, abstraction, modeling, system and graphic methods. At the initial stage of the research, a selection of scientific articles and other scientific publications was carried out, highlighting the peculiarities of the application of digital competences in the process of personnel management of enterprises. This was followed by a critical analysis of the selected sources to identify the main approaches and methods used in contemporary research in the field of digital technologies, with a particular focus on research that examines the digital competencies that the future manager should possess. Using the method of theoretical generalization made it possible to synthesize the main concepts and approaches found in the literature.

Findings – The main approaches to understanding the essence of the concept of "digital competences" are considered and attention is focused on their features in the processes of training management personnel. It is justified that the state should play an important role in this by creating new jobs and forming new markets. Based on the rating of Ukraine according to the Global Talent Competitiveness Index in 2020-2022, the ability of Ukrainian specialists to master digital technologies was analyzed and it was determined that in domestic realities, special attention should be paid to the training of managers using the application of digital competencies.

Practical implications – The result of the study is the substantiation of the need to master and apply basic digital competencies in the conditions of active digitalization of all spheres of social life of the Ukrainian state, which is an indispensable condition for the training of managerial personnel. Competencies designed to ensure successful personnel management of enterprises and to contribute to the reliable socio-economic development of the state are summarized.

Originality/value – The research carried out in the article is valuable in that it proposes approaches to the acquisition of key digital competencies by managers and determines that they should be innovative thinking that helps the specialist quickly master digital technologies with the highest results; use of social networks as an effective tool of management activity; analysis of data collected and processed on the basis of digital technologies; information support using digitized sources; computer literacy as the basis of technical knowledge and skills for working with digital resources.

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