

It is developed the structure and algorithm of functioning of the universal controller of the adaptive smart home system. Distributed management provides increased survivability, and the modular principle of system organization ensures effective modernization in the future. The developed information model involves a connection with a remote data server using a Wi-Fi module on an ESP8266 microcontroller, which supports a local Wi-Fi network to provide control of a smart home through smartphones.


This paper is devoted to the research of the important issue of increasing the efficiency and optimization of microclimate management processes in residential premises. The purpose of this study is to create an automated system for accurate setting and control of the main parameters of the microclimate in the room, which will make it possible to increase comfort and energy efficiency. To achieve the task, the Arduino platform is used, which is an open hardware and software system with a wide range of opportunities for developing embedded systems.


This article presents the technology of 3D design of fire detector body parts using the CAx system. During the 3D design of the components of the fire detector, its design has been improved, and its operation is ensured on the basis of the Arduinomini board. The production of the lower cover of the fire detector for the Arduinomini board is realized with the help of a 3D printer. At the same time, a thermal analysis was carried out in the CAx Fusion 360 system of the improved fire detector design.

Організація мультимайстерного режиму для I2C-інтерфейсу мікроконтролерів AVR

Запропоновано структуру даних та механізми їхнього оброблення для забезпечення функціонування мультимайстерного режиму I2C-інтерфейсу мікроконтролерів AVR.

In this paper, the authors have proposed the data structure and mechanisms for their processing that ensure multi-master mode of I2C-interface of AVR microcontroller.

Алгоритм керування двохосьовою платформою

Запропоновано алгоритм для керування стабілізацією положення двохосевої платформи з використанням біполярних крокових моторів, акселерометра та керуючого мікро- контролера.

In this paper, the authors have proposed the algorithm to control the stabilization position 2-axial platform using bipolar stepper motors, accelerometer and microcontroller.

Device for controlling parameters of accumulator batteries and the corresponding direct current network

Mobile devices for information, control and telemetry systems are powered by mobile generators through AC to DC converters, by batteries or, if possible, directly by solar panels. Solar panels typically work in a system that involves the usage of batteries to keep the systems running when the solar panels are not working or not providing enough power. The batteries can be recharged from the panels themselves if the solar panels have sufficient power or from an external direct current source.

Experimental System and Software: Two-dimensional Return of the Platform to the Sound Source

We created a system, debugged it, and conducted experimental studies of the two-dimensional rotation of the supporting platform (with a camera, and a light source.) on the source of sound waves. The system was assembled based on two SYNCO Mic-M3 cardioid condenser microphones and an Alesis IO-4 sound card. We wrote original software for analyzing and transmitting the result of processing harmonic acoustic signals for the response of the Arduino Uno control board. The rotation of the 2D platform is caused by two MG995 servos controlled by this microcontroller.

Computer vision system for research in the area of defectoscopy for materials and products

In many cases, visual and optical methods can be used in defectoscopy for different materials and products. With the development of microprocessor components and significant expansion of usage of computer technologies and image processing and analysis techniques in different areas, the use of visual and optical methods in defectoscopy for production and research purposes is rapidly developing.

Smart Information Board Based on PSOC 6 MCU

Nowadays, the development of electronics and related technologies is very fast. An extremely significant role in the life of moder society is took by information output devices, the development and modernization of which is an urgent task. Using the idea regarding wireless control of remote devices, an information board with remote control was developed. This article provides a reader with the development of universal information board which customers will be able to assemble for the dimensions that they need.