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Comparative Legal Analysis of he Peculiarities of State Control Over the Activities of Local Self-Government in Ukraine and Poland

Abstract. Within the framework of European integration, the institution of control over the activities of local self-government bodies in Ukraine is gaining relevance. This is a fairly new institution that has not been fully regulated at the level of national legislation. The Law of Ukraine ‘On Local Self-Government’ contains only one provision that mentions that state control over local self-government bodies is carried out on the basis of the law.

Ensuring the Functioning of Society in Activities of Local Governments Under the Legal Regime of Martial Law

The scientific article is devoted to the study of the activities of local self-government bodies during the period of martial law in ensuring the functioning of society, characterization of the concept, competence and features of local self-government bodies, and types of local self-government bodies. The article examines the scientific and regulatory approaches to defining the most important functions of local authorities, in particular, ensuring the constitutional rights and security of citizens.

Tendencies of decentralization in public administration: current state and development prospects

The article deals with the current state and prospects for developing decentralization in public administration by transferring managerial functions and central authorities' powers to the local administration level. The article emphasizes that despite being tested by war, Ukrainian decentralization received an impeccable assessment from the European Commission, which preceded granting our country the candidate status for the European Union membership. The history of decentralization is analyzed, and successive stages are singled out.

Feautures of the functioning of local government bodies during the period of marital law in Ukraine

Abstract. The article comprehensively theorizes and analyzes the unique aspects of legal regulations governing the operations of local self-government bodies during Ukraine's period of martial law. It presents specific proposals aimed at enhancing the legislation that oversees this sphere of power and legal relations. The article emphasizes the critical role of local self-government bodies during times of conflict, highlighting their continued significance as a crucial mechanism in upholding the efficient functioning of public authority and the state's defense capabilities.

Osobliwości prcesów decentralizacyjnych w Polsce i ich wpływ na samorząd terytorialny w Ukrainie

Abstrakt. Decentralizacja, będąca złożonym procesem, powinna prowadzić do sprawnego i racjonalnego zarządzania na poziomie państwa. W trosce o europejskie wartości demokratyczne powstało poważne pytanie o rozwój demokracji lokalnej, której nie może zabraknąć w społeczeństwie obywatelskim. Dlatego też, aby nadać wagę prawom mieszkańców do zaspokajania ich potrzeb na poziomie lokalnym, organy samorządu terytorialnego otrzymały znaczną autonomię i niezależność od władzy publicznej. Konsekwencje te stały się realne dzięki procesom decentralizacji władzy. 

Zasady tworzenia prawa w Polsce i w Ukrainie przez organy samorządu terytorialnego: aspect teoretyczno-prawny

Abstrakt. Każde państwo demokratyczne, ceniące wartości demokratyczne, funkcjonuje dzięki podstawom prawnym, na których opierają się wszystkie bez wyjątku instytucje prawne w państwie. Bez zasad stanowienia prawa legalność nie będzie wspierana w żadnym demokratycznym systemie prawnym państwa. W artykule przedstawiono główne zasady stanowienia prawa przez terytorialne władze publiczne w Polsce i w Ukrainie.

Local government in Ukraine under the conditions of marital state

The article analyzes the peculiarities of the functioning of local self-government in the conditions of martial law. It has been found that local self-government in Ukraine is a state-guaranteed right and real ability of a territorial community - residents of a village or a voluntary association of residents of several villages, towns, cities into a rural community - independently or under the responsibility of local self-government bodies and officials of local importance within the limits of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

Regulatory and legal ensuring optimization of local government bodies competencies

Formulation of the problem. The regulatory and legal principles of the competence of state authorities and local self-government in Ukraine formation have been studied. The contents of the Ukraine key laws regarding local self-government bodies and modern concepts of their activities are disclosed. It was found that there is no unified conceptual vision of the local self-government bodies status, competencies, and responsibilities in Ukraine.

Theoretical and methodological principles of development of the communicative system of public administration

The necessity of forming a communicative system of public administration as a way of ensuring the coordination of activities of state, self-governing, public and media authorities in management of social processes is grounded. The theoretical and methodological principles of formation of the communicative system of public management and its structural and functional model are defined.