національна держава

The structural role of the state in the processes of health care and the provision of the national security system

Within the framework of this article, an analysis of the structural role of the state in health care processes was made, its functional purpose was solved in solving systemic problems concerning the preservation of the labor potential of the nation as a structural condition for the provision of the national security system in a crisis, and the main problems of human development that determine quality health systems, both at the global and national levels, and identifies the relevant sections of the exacerbation of the social security of citizens that narrow the space of the national ezpeky

"State" and "statehood": on the problem of theoretical and legal and historical and legal content of concepts in the context of ukrainian (national) state formation

The urgency of the problem mentioned in the title is due to the need to understand the peculiarities of the formation and development of the state in Ukraine as a systemic phenomenon, the essential and necessary features of which reflect the concepts: “state”, “statehood” and “state formation”. Understanding the latter is important both for understanding the historical and legal features of Ukraine’s past, and for assessing the logic of modern political and social processes in our country.

Ukrainian attorney and advocate Volodymir Starosolsky on the nation and national state

The urgency of the problem mentioned in the heading lies in the growing interest in the “national side” of the problem of understanding the experience of becoming a Ukrainian state, in particular, in the ideological dimension: the formation of the Ukrainian (political) nation, the origins and evolution of the ideas of the Ukrainian national statehood, the views of scientists-researchers of the Ukrainian “national problematics”.

Olga Basarab as a fight for the rights and freedom of the ukrainian people: historicly-legal and gender aspects

The personality of Olga Basarab, a public and political activist, is examined, as a vivid
symbol of the struggle for the Ukrainian state in the mid – 1920 s. Olga Basarab personifies all the
cruelty of the then Polish legal proceedings against Ukrainian revolutionaries.

The phenomenon of the nation in the scientific discussion: to the methodology of the problem of historical continuity of the nation and state

The prevailing approaches in the domestic and world scientific thought are the
approaches to the essence of the concept of “nation”, its content and volume, the time of
appearance, as well as the relationship with the concepts of “ethnos” and “people”. It is
emphasized that the concept of “nation” most often correlates with the concepts of “ethnos”
and “people”. The idea is that the nation is a people that is exalted by the stockpile of state
forces, endowed with the ability to identify and separate from other nations the state borders,

Феномен нації у науковому дискурсі: до методології проблеми історичної спадкоємності нації та держави

Висвітлено панівні у вітчизняній та світовій науковій думці підходи щодо сутності
поняття «нація», його змісту й обсягу, часу появи, а також взаємозв’язку з поняттями
«етнос» і «народ». Наголошено на тому, що поняття «нація» найчастіше корелює з
поняттями «етнос» і «народ». Висловлено думку, що нація – це народ, піднесений
запасом державницьких сил, наділений змогою до самоідентифікації й відмежування від
інших націй державними кордонами, а також - інтегрування інших націй до складу своєї
держави на правах національних меншин.