The problem of the nature of people’s sovereighty and its definition in the constitutional law
The essence of people’s sovereignty as a legal phenomenon is clarified and its author’s definition for the science of constitutional law is proposed.
The essence of people’s sovereignty as a legal phenomenon is clarified and its author’s definition for the science of constitutional law is proposed.
The article presents the theoretical and legal characterization of the sovereignty of modern states,taking into account its types and peculiarities of its development under the influence of some processesthat are reflected in its content. The factors of the loss of sovereignty by the states are also determined.
The article is devoted to the study of the essence of direct democracy in the context of the implementation of people’s sovereignty. It is substantiated that democracy of participation is one of the most effective and actual types of direct democratic governance in the modern world. The diversity of its institutions makes it possible to participate in the management of the state by every citizen if he has a sufficient level of legal awareness.
The article looks at the nature of representative democracy as a form of realization of
popular sovereignty. The relationship of popular sovereignty and representative democracy is
analyzed. The necessity of using an expanded approach to the circle of people’s representatives
is substantiated. The normative, political and social requirements concerning the procedure
for the election of representatives of the people and the procedure for exercising their powers
in the context of the implementation of the people’s sovereignty are investigated.
The article deals with the research on understanding the peculiarities of ensuring national sovereignty principle of implementation by public authorities in terms of democratic transformation and formation of new law and order based on the modern constitutionalism values. Legal awareness peculiarities in the post-soviet period and certain aspects of the legal mechanism of providing national sovereignty are analyzed by the author.
The significance of legal awareness in the process of popular sovereignty realization is considered in the article. The notion of national legal awareness as the peculiar form of public conscience is analyzed. It is proved that legal awareness forms the basis of both direct and representative democracy. The influence of legal awareness over the practical usage of direct democracy institutions is determined.