нейронні мережі

Models and Methods for Speech Separation in Digital Systems

The main purpose of the article is to describe state-of-the-art approaches to speech separation and de- monstrate the structures and challenges of building and training such systems. Designing efficient optimized neural network model for speech recognition requires using encoder-decoder model structure with masks estimation flow. The fully-convolutinoal SuDoRM-Rf model demonst- rates the high efficiency with relatively small number of parameters and can be boosted with accelerators, that supports convolutional operations.

Review of disease identification methods based on computed tomography imagery

Methods and approaches to computational diagnosis of various pulmonary diseases via automated analysis of chest images performed with computed tomography were reviewed. Google Scholar database was searched with several queries focused on deep learning and machine learning chest computed tomography imagery analysis studies published during or after 2017. A collection of 39 papers was collected after screening the search results. The collection was split by publication date into two separate sets based on the date being prior to or after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Алгоритмічна складність задачі навчання двопорогових нейронів

Розглядаються питання, пов’язані з розпізнаванням скінченних множин за допомогою двопорогових нейронних елементів. Показано, що задача навчання ДНЕ є NP-повною. Також наведено умови, виконання яких забезпечує двопороговість булевих функцій, які задаються за допомогою списків рішень.

We study finite set dichotomies on bithreshold neurons. We prove that training a BN is NP-complete task. We also give sufficient conditions ensuring that decision list represents a bithreshold function.

Aerial vehicles detection system based on analysis of sound signals

The article presents a modern aircraft detection system based on the analysis of sound signals, developed using neural networks and sound analysis algorithms. During the development of the system, the latest technologies were used, such as acoustic sensors, single-board microcomputers and external devices for processing and storing information received from the environment, which ensures fast and accurate detection of aircraft in the air.


Recently, deep learning technologies, namely Neural Networks [1], are attracting more and more attention from businesses and the scientific community, as they help optimize processes and find real solutions to problems much more efficiently and economically than many other approaches. In particular, Neural Networks are well suited for situations when you need to detect objects or look for similar patterns in videos and images, making them relevant in the field of information and measurement technologies in mechatronics and robotics.

Prediction of Electricity Generation by Wind Farms Based on Intelligent Methods: State of the Art and Examples

With the rapid growth of wind energy production worldwide, the Wind Power Forecast (WPF) will play an increasingly important role in the operation of electricity systems and electricity markets. The article presents an overview of modern methods and tools for forecasting the generation of electricity by wind farms. Particular attention is paid to the intelligent approaches. The article considers the issues of preparation and use of data for such forecasts. It presents the example of a forecasting system based on neural networks, proposed by the authors of the paper.

Analysis of Algorithms for Searching Objects in Images Using Convolutional Neural Network

The problem of finding objects in images using modern computer vision algorithms has been considered. The description of the main types of algorithms and methods for finding objects based on the use of convolutional neural networks has been given. A comparative analysis and modeling of neural network algorithms to solve the problem of finding objects in images has been conducted. The results of testing neural network models with different architectures on data sets VOC2012 and COCO have been presented.

Acquisition and Processing of Data in CPS for Remote Monitoring of the Human functional State

Data acquisition and processing in cyber-physical system for remote monitoring of the human functional state have been considered in the paper. The data processing steps, strategies for multi-step forecasting evaluation metrics and machine learning algorithms to be implemented have been analysed and described. What is important, this way it will be possible to track the condition of the sick and response to the health changes in advance.


It is shown that for the pro­ces­sing of in­tensi­ve da­ta flows in in­dustry (ma­na­ge­ment of techno­lo­gi­cal pro­ces­ses and complex ob­jects), energy (op­ti­mi­za­ti­on of lo­ad in po­wer grids), mi­li­tary af­fa­irs (techni­cal vi­si­on, mo­bi­le ro­bot traf­fic control, cryptog­raphic da­ta pro­tec­ti­on), transport (traf­fic ma­na­ge­ment and en­gi­ne), me­di­ci­ne (di­se­ase di­ag­no­sis) and instru­men­ta­ti­on (pat­tern re­cog­ni­ti­on and control op­ti­mi­za­ti­on) the re­al-ti­me hardwa­re neu­ral net­works with high ef­fi­ci­ency of eq­uipment use sho­uld be appli­ed.

Evolution of Artificial Intelligence on the Background of the Progress in Computer Sciences and Engineering (Review of the Monograph: Mainzer, K. (2020). Artificial Intelligence – When Do Machines Take Over? Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer)

The review examines the content and main problems of the English-language monograph of the German scientist and philosopher, President of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, founder of the Munich Center for Social Technologies (MCTS), Honorary Professor of the Technical University of Munich, Professor of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the Univercity of Tübingen Klaus Mainzer.