оцінка точності

Determination of the horizontal strain rates tensor in Western Ukraine

Doppler Orbitography and Radio-positioning Integrated by Satellite (CORS) observations from 37 Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) stations located in the Western Ukraine area were processed using Bernese Processing Engine module (BPE) of Bernese GNSS Software version 5.2 for a time span of about 2.5 years. To get a better agreement for constrains, the IGS stations closest to the surrounding area of study were chosen with fixed coordinates of ITRF2008 at epoch 2005.0.

To the question of estimation of accuracy of measurement of exceedances by GPS method

The influence of the time length of observations, vector length and minimum height of the satellites above horizon for the determination of vertical component of GPS measurements was investigated. The GPS method vas derived. The accuracy for the determination of the elevation between GPS method and classic leveling was compared.

Evaluation of the accuracy of determination of vector components based on duration of GPS-observations and lack of visibility of the sky

A method of calculating the coefficient of  horizon openness which characterizes the limit of visibility interference in observation points with regard to duration of satellite visibility in a particular sector of the celestial sphere during the day is proposed. The functional dependence for estimating the accuracy of GPS-observations is presented.

Study and approximation of the function for determination of allowable RMS errors of land parcels area

Were researched dependences of standard mean square errors of land parcel area determination as a function of area and elongation coefficients. Using investigated values was made an approximation of quadratic polynomial function for standard mean square errors of land parcel area in intervals 0,1-1 ha, 1-10 ha, 10-100 ha with evaluation of accuracy of approximated functions.


About the assessment of the accuracy of geodetic heights and latitudes, which are calculated by spatial rectangular coordinates

Proposed formula to assess the accuracy of geodetic altitudes and latitudes on the spatial rectangular coordinates. The proposed formulas allow you to define geodetic altitude and latitude as a result of satellite geodetic definitions at any point in the Earth's surface, including on the equator, the pole, the zero meridian and the meridian 180 град.  The analysis has shown, that the accuracy of determination of altitudes and latitudes does not depend on the provisions of points.

Approximation of functions of root mean square errors of land parcels areas to determine their allowable value

The purpose of this article is the research of results of approximation of functions of calculation of the meansquare errors of land parcels areas to determine such approximation function, which would allow most accurately calculate the permissible values of mean square errors depending on the size and elongation of land parcel. Methods. To meet the goal an approximation of functions by the method of least squares was performed. Two functions were used for approximation – the natural logarithm and power, as well as the evaluation of the accuracy was done.