
Contract-based Testing Using the Ontology Approach

This article analyzes the use of contract testing to verify the compatibility of two components, specifically web servers that use an Application Programming Interface (API) for data transmission.

Additionally, the article includes a comparison of APIs and contract tests and describes cases where the latter have an advantage. A contract structure for contract testing is described.

Інтелектуальна система підтримки прийняття рішень діагностування ревматологічних захворювань на основі адаптивних онтологій

Розглянуто побудову інтелектуальної системи підтримки прийняття рішень діагностування ревматологічних захворювань. Для функціонування такої системи розроблено математичний апарат на основі адаптивних онтологій.

In the paper the design of the decision support diagnosing rheumatic diseases. For the operation of the system developed mathematical tools based on adaptive ontologies.

Information system prototype for monitoring and content analysis of complaints from smart city residents

One of the current computerization trends is the active development of “smart city” or “Smart city” technologies, in particular, the support of administrative e-services, the development of transport systems, the use of ecologically clean energy sources, the development of ecology, the modernization of the city’s digital equipment, in an improved state. life in the city, completion of all processes of the city infrastructure. All this complex of works is as accessible as possible with the correct use of “Smart city” technology. Smart cities contribute to sustainable development.


The article discusses the essence and concept of sustainable development, the results of the agro-ecological assessment of the given territorial community lands, and determines the indicators of the goals of sustainable development that can be used in the local territories. The author has worked on scientific materials in Ukrainian and international professional publications and outlined the prospects for further scientific research in this direction. The general scientific, ecological, sociological, and mathematical research methods are used in the work.

The Problem of Legal Understanding in Modern Society: Administrative Aspect

The relevance of the problem study of legal understanding shall be determined by a combination of ideological, social and political factors, including the urgent need to comprehend legal understanding as the most important regulator of social relations, as well as the need for a critical rethinking of traditional concepts of legal understanding.

The Problem of Defining the Concept of National Development of Ukraine in the Post-war Period

Problem setting. Starting from February 24, 2022, the whole world lives in a new reality – in the conditions of a full-scale war against Ukraine deployed by the Russian Federation. Russia’s military aggression carries through the information and semantic war, which, according to its authors, can justify all atrocities and be their ideological cover. There is a denial of the conceptual definition of the democratic development of social and power relations in Ukraine and their subordination to totalitarianism.

Theoretical aspects of legal culture perception

Abstract. The main theoretical approaches to understanding the concept and essence of legal culture, its historical development and formation are revealed. The article considers certain definitions of legal culture, including in the branch of law and public administration, formulated by a number of scientists, who mainly focused on the following subject matters of legal culture: law itself, legal awareness, legal relations, law and order, legitimate activities of participants in public relations.

Formation of the concept of development of public transport in a big city

Problem setting. In general, the current level of integration and globalization processes requires a significant optimization of the existing transport system and its maximum adaptation to the requirements of European standards for the provision of transport services for the movement of passengers within urban agglomerations. The elimination of vertical state planning, financing and control in the field of public transport has caused a kind of chaos in the transport sector, because a new model of management and development has not been formed.

Improving the Efficiency of Management Mechanisms of Health Care Institutions

The article summarizes the theoretical foundations of public and domestic management mechanisms in the field of health care. The essence, structure and functional orientation of mechanisms in the theory of management and the specifics of their formation for health care institutions are revealed. The analysis of the level of validity of the existing theoretical and methodological bases of construction of mechanisms in the system of national and internal economic management in the medical field, their practical efficiency and effectiveness in modern Ukrainian conditions is carried out.

Peculiarities of Choosing a Strategy for Development of Domestic Enterprises on the Basis of Analysis of Strategic Alternatives

The semantic load of the concept of “strategy” is analyzed, it is determined that the meaning of this term has changed over the last hundred years depending on the object and subject of research; The main three key concepts of strategy definition are considered, namely classical, conceptual and complex, which were singled out by Western scholars and which were partially supported by Ukrainian, as well as philosophical and organizational-managerial concept, which are singled out by purely domestic scientists.