
The Types of Notions in “German Logic” of Christian Wolff (Research Article)

The article discusses the problem of classification of notions (Begriffe) by Christian Wolff, particularly in his “German Logic”. Wolff divides notions – as well as representations (Vorstellungen) in general – into obscure (dunkel, obscura) and clear (klar, clara). The clear notions are divided into distinct (deutlich, distincta) and indistinct (undeutlich, indistincta or confusa).

Truth and Concept, or What a Concept in Philosophy of Henri Bergson Is, and What It Is Not. Afterword to the Ukrainian Translation of the Henri Bergson’s Letter to Richard Kroner

The Letter to Richard Kroner was written by Henri Bergson in the end of November 1910. It is translated into Ukrainian for the first time. In the letter, Bergson sheds a bright light on tiny and usually invisible but very important details of his doctrine about truth and concepts, in particular creating new concepts.

Development of DSTU ISO 860 “Terminology work. Harmonization of concepts and terms” new edition

The article deals with new version of the national standard DSTU ISO 860 “Terminology work. Harmonization of terms and concepts”. The changes of ISO 860 standard and the problems, which have arisen during its translation in Ukrainian, are analyzed.

The analysis of a problem of definition of vague predicates

As a result of the executed research a sources of paradoxes type of sorites are revealed. It is offered to bring in definitions of words with the semantics of the vagueness the information which will interfere creating of paradoxes of type of sorites. It is proposed to clarify the definition of concept of “a heap”.

The formation of key segments of cognitive linguistics terminology (diachronic and synchronic aspects)

The article deals with the main historical stages of development of the components of the cognitive linguistics terminology. The main concepts of cognitive linguistics are defined as well as the stages of development of cognitive linguistics as a science. The basic concepts of the term system of the researches scientific paradigm are distinguished. The frame model and types of frames as the basis of description of the conceptual world view are outlined. The main approaches to the definition of the term «concept» are described.

Legal terminology of the Ukrainian language and the process of its creation

The article is devoted to the law terminology as one of the oldest layer of terminology vocabulary in Ukrainian language. The article analyses main features, summarizes information about the current state and perspectives of modern law terminology. It also differentiates the concepts of “term”, “terminology” and “terminology system”.

Logical structure of thinking in scientific research "Essay Of logic" by Stepan Baley

The scientific heritage of the Ukrainian scientist S. Baley is investigated in the field of the
logic. The structure, problems and terminology of the textbook "Essay of Logic" by S. Baley
are analyzed.In the references the author's styleis unchanged with the knowledge that this is
not about the style and grammar, but about the formation and development of the logic in
Ukrainian science.

and life and deleuze and literature (Comments to Ukrainian Translation of the Deleuze’s Essay “Literature and Life”)

Gilles Deleuze's “Literature and Life” was published in 1993 in the collection of essays "Critics and Clinique". The essay is translated into Ukrainian for the first time. In the essay, the French philosopher demonstrates his own interpretation of literature and literary process. The text is full of concepts and ideas developed and offered by Deleuze in his previous works: “Proust and Signs”, “Logic of Sense”, “Zola and the Crack-up”, “Anti-Oedipus”, “Kafka: Towards a Minor Literature”, “A Thousand Plateaus”, “and Dialogues”.

The Quintessence of Information Security of a Cyber-physical System

The quintessence of an information security (IS) of cyber-physical systems (CPS) was presented, which is deployed on the level of complex security system (CSS) creation paradigm and conception as well as the CSS universal platform in the field “threats – profiles – tools”; it is also implemented in the part of CSS integral model of cyber-physical system “iPhone – Wi-Fi, Bluetooth – sensors” and cryptographic protection of CPS wireless communication environment based on block data encryption of algorithm “Kalyna”.