правомірна поведінка

Valuable measurements of righteous behavio

The article provides a theoretical and legal analysis of the definition of lawful behavior, an understanding of its criteria, types, mechanism of formation and implementation in modern circumstances. Lawful behavior as a type of social behavior is a complex process of human and law interaction. This interaction consists in the influence of law on the behavior of an individual who, guided by the value system established in his mind, chooses his own model of behavior.

Marginal behavior as a type of lawful behavior

The article deals with the issues of legal (lawful) and illegal (criminal) behavior in general and marginal behavior in particular. It is proved that the analysis of only one aspect of legal behavior (criminal) did not allow to fully consider all its sides, as well as to determine the main ways to combat offenses. Initially, lawful conduct was only the antithesis of illegal acts and could not reveal all its significance for society. Only in the 80s, the question of lawful behavior began to be studied more deeply.

Some aspects of early legal socialization

 Legal socialization of the children is an important part of the theory of legal socialization
of the person. The role of early legal socialization is to includ the person in global society and
to minimization risks of development destructive legitimate behavior. As a result of studing at
school children must know the basic legal norms which interpret their rights and duties, rights
and duties of their parents, of their friends and of the state. The article deals with the role of