правове забезпечення

The current state of administrative and legal support of the judiciary as subjects of protection of the right of citizens to a safe environment for life and health in Ukraine

The article is devoted to the problem of administrative and legal support of judicial bodies as subjects of protection of the right of citizens to a safe environment for life and health in Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to defining the two basic categories of "administrative and legal support" and "safe for life and health of the environment."

Use of blockchain technology in public governance: prospective areas of application and potential problems of legal security

Abstract. The relevance of the problem mentioned in the title is due to the rapid spread in Ukraine (and not only) of information technologies. It leads to the virtualization of many areas of society, and therefore to the growing importance of storing, transmitting and protecting information electronically, which is processed in global and local information systems using information technologies. Among the latter, according to many scientists (and not only in the IT sphere), Blockchain technology belongs to the leading place (and in the near future this trend will only increase).

Theoretical-legal aspects of heronto education in Ukraine

On the basis of current national legislation, international legal acts analyze thetheoretical and legal aspects of gerontoeducation in Ukraine. It is substantiated that lifelonglearning is a prerequisite for ensuring the right to education and employment for the elderly.In particular, the Declaration of the International Conference on Aging emphasizes that thelack of opportunity to receive education in the elderly can cause alienation, isolation,separation of generations, marginalization and more.

Dominans for university education in globalization society

The article defines the dominant elements of the development of universityeducation in a 
globalized  society.  The  attention  that  the  University  should  notonly  produce  some  ideas  to 
develop  certain  trends  in  science,  and,  above  all,  topromote  the  progressive  social 
development,  to  fully  ensure  the  requests  andneeds  of  modern  man.  Overcoming  the 
traditional  prevailing  mass-reproductivenature  of  the  development  of  higher  education  is  to 

Legal and organizational frameworks of international co-operation are in the exposure of contraband goods of narcotic facilities that is accomplished by the organized criminal groups

Essence of international co-operation is considered in relation to the exposure of contraband goods of narcotic facilities that is accomplished by the organized criminal groups. Legal frameworks that regulate international co-operation are certain. Separate normativelylegal acts that give effective possibility of international co-operation are analysed.