

Understanding the tradition, innovation and national identity of examples of wooden temple buildings, in particular, Ukrainian churches, certain trends are identified, which in their essence become the main ones, regarding the intensity of development in temple construction. The factors of tradition and innovation are identified as important mediums for establishing the national identity of the image of wooden temple buildings, and their expression in the modern temple-building process of creating a Christian shrine.

Principles of extraordinary judgment administrative disputes

The article deals with issues related to the study of the principles of administrative
dispute resolution, clarifying the role, defining their nature, as a system of fundamental values
of modern democratic rule of law, which play the role of guidelines in the formation of law,
because the practical implementation of these principles is a generally recognized criterion of
legal of the state. The principles of out-of-court settlement of administrative disputes, along
with the rules of law, are one of the important elements of the content of law, but remain

Formation of Corporate Strategy by the Enterprise Engaged in Foreign Economic Activity

The article proves the importance of corporate strategy formation and the significance of considering the current state of the economy by the enterprise engaged in foreign economic activity. The nature of the corporate strategy, as well as stages and principles of its creation are analyzed. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific developments, the definition of the concept “corporate strategy” is provided. The process of the corporate strategy formation is also considered.

Архітектура багаторівневої системи управління енергоефективністю регіону

The list of problems that can be solved by multilevel system of energy efficiency of the region were determined. Requirements for the implementation of each system component were formulated. It was shown that the technological process control’s components should provide processing of intensive data streams in real time. Also components have to satisfy limitations on size, power consumption and cost.

Subjects system administrative court of Ukraine

The article deals with the scientific and regulatory approaches to the definition of “subject  of  administrative  justice”,  the  classification  of  subjects  in  administrative  legal proceedings was studied. The legal status of the subjects of administrative legal proceedings depends directly on its legislative definition, but its implementation is connected with active or passive forms of execution of the functions of the parties, and other procedural participants in court proceedings.

Special principles of the executive authority functioning

The article examines the types of principles for the functioning of the executive branch. The signs of the principles of executive power are formulated. They are divided into two types: general (constitutional) and special. The latter include: the secondary character of the executive power, a single centralized structure, the distribution of powers among the levels of executive power, accountability and control of power.

Goal, task and principle of the administrative court of Ukraine in the modern stage of reforming the ukrainian judiciary

The article deals with issues of development of administrative justice, its purpose and principles. The process, which is carried out by an administrative court, acquires the meaning of administrative proceedings.