прийняття рішень

The Role of Business Analytics in the Era of Big Data: New Opportunities for Managerial Decision-Making

This article delves into the pivotal role that business analytics plays in the era of Big Data, focusing on how it transforms decision-making processes in contemporary organizations. Big Data analytics has become an essential tool for businesses striving to gain a competitive edge in an increasingly data-driven world. The research outlines the main trends in the application of Big Data technologies, such as the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), predictive analytics, and real-time data processing.

The Impact of Business Analytics on Corporate Management: Opportunities and Challenges

This article explores the advantages and challenges of implementing business analytics in corporate management. The study examines the current state and future prospects of the business analytics market, analyzing various types of analytics: descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive. The research highlights the key benefits of using analytical tools in business, such as improved forecasting accuracy, effective risk management, and business process optimization.


The role of information and communication management in the strategic management of the organization is to ensure the effective collection, analysis and dissemination of information to achieve strategic goals. This area of management plays a critical role in the formulation and implementation of strategies because it allows the management of the organization to have access to important data to make informed decisions.


Purpose of the research. Exploration of the research gaps in order to understand how DAOs can encourage initiatives/practices to protect the interests of various stakeholders as well as identifying and comparing the main problems and prospects for creating and scaling DAOs in the existing economic realities. The following hypotheses that DAO is a form of science-oriented entrepreneurship and creates opportunities for involving unused entities in diverse   economic processes were analyzed.

Розподіл обмежених ресурсів засобами СППР

Описано методології планування потреб у ресурсах. Проаналізовано програмні комплекси систем розподілу ресурсів і обґрунтовано потребу в розробленні своєї системи підтримки прийняття рішень. Проведено тестування прототипу СППР розподілу обмежених ресурсів, яка реалізує розроблені моделі та алгоритми.

Дослідження невизначеностей у задачах сценарного планування

Проаналізовано головні типи невизначеностей, які з’являються під час розв’язання задач сценарного планування. Запропоновано для подолання невизначе- ностей в задачах сценарного планування визначати інформаційні ситуації та відповідно до інформаційних ситуацій та типів невизначеності системно використовувати методи аналізу та прийняття рішень.

The impact of cognitive distortions of economic development

The article studies cognitive distortions (illusions) and the possibilities of using cognitive and emotional factors to make decisions by different market actors in conditions of uncertainty. The theoretical foundations of the irrational behavior of economic actors, based on cognitive or social reasons, are highlighted. The authors note that the functioning of the cognitive sphere of a person is often accompanied by certain errors that are scientifically attributed to cognitive distortions in the rational behavioral paradigm that cause distortions in the perception of reality.

Choice of conceptualization of a problem situation by an intelligent agent in decision-making tasks

The research in the domain of autonomous intelligent agent is the foreground of the introduction of artificial intelligence solution in all areas of economy. The intelligent autonomous systems combine the usage of pattern recognition, reasoning, decision making, conceptual modeling techniques and methods. The important part of intelligent agent implementation is to find the conceptualization which is suitable to the current problematic situation. Despite all progress around autonomous intelligent agents, humans are much more flexible and creative in making the right conceptualizations.

Specific features of public involvement and digitalization of services when reforming public administration during the war

Formulation of the problem. Reforming of the public administration begun with Ukraine’s independence, starting with the collapse of the Soviet system, and up until now, when decentralization gradually forms an effective system of interaction between authorities at all levels. However, political and economic crises, pandemics and war force scientists and practitioners to look for survival mechanisms.

System of Message Exchange and Data Processing of Ecological and Natural Communities

With the development of technological tools, it is increasingly common to meet systems which are using online messaging applications for communication with users. This process occurs with the help of so-called chatbots. Chatbot is a programmable application in which the algorithm of interaction with the user, provided by developers, is implemented. The bot provides information in the form of text or audio messages.