
Modeling of Steady-state Modes of the Electrical Network From the Synchronous Electric Drive of Hydraulic Loading

Pumping stations that provide fluid transportation by pipeline are significant consumers of electricity. Energy overruns due to sub-optimal modes of operation of individual high-power units or sub-optimal number of simultaneously operating less powerful units are quite significant and can have a significant impact on overall energy consumption. Energy overruns at pumping stations also lead to significant overruns in electricity grid elements.

Medical terms with components derm-, derma-, derm(o)-, dermat(o)- and shkira (skin) in modern Ukrainian language

Ukrainian medical terms-composites with international components derm-, derma-, derm(o)-, dermat(o)- and the Ukrainian equivalents on the somatic notions shkira (skin) have been studied in the article. The problem of their interchange has been raised. Their productivity and word formation mobility have been defined. The outlook of the research is that the terms with somatic components need further studying concerning determination of their productivity and mobility.

Medical terms with psych(o)- somatic components in modern Ukrainian language

Ukrainian medical terms-composites with international components psych(o)- have been studied in the article. The problem of their interchange has been brought up. Their productivity and word formation mobility have been defined. The outlook of the research is that the terms with somatic components need further studying concerning determination of their productivity and mobility.

Medical terms with cardi(o)- and heart components in modern Ukrainian language

Ukrainian medical terms-composites with international components cardi(o)- and Ukrainian equivalent heart have been studied in the article. The problem of their interchange was brought up. It has been defined their productivity and word formation mobility. The outlook of the article is that the terms with somatic components need further studying concerning determination of their productivity and mobility.

Використання кластерного аналізу для виділення експозиційно-орографічних груп ялинових деревостанів українських Карпат

Theoretical framework and methodological approaches to clustering mountain spruce stands Ukrainian Carpathians in the group with regard exposition-orographic characteristics include their location and types of site conditions. According to the research groups of the combined effect types site conditions and exposition-orographic characteristics slopes the peculiarities of growth and established trends and patterns of the dynamics of the main assessments indicators of mountain spruce forests stands of Ukrainian Carpathians.

Aspects of assessment and developing of geothermal resources in Ukraine

The article deals with scientific and industrial aspects of the development of geothermal resources in Ukraine. Geological, technical, technological, social and economic aspects were analyzed that can provide a general assessment of the commercial development of geothermal energy. Formulated scientific and technical tasks of efficiently use geothermal power plants (HTEU) type “tube in tube” that will use data HTEU all active geothermal areas of Ukraine with full environmental safety.