Modeling of Steady-state Modes of the Electrical Network From the Synchronous Electric Drive of Hydraulic Loading

: pp. 36 - 45
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Pumping stations that provide fluid transportation by pipeline are significant consumers of electricity. Energy overruns due to sub-optimal modes of operation of individual high-power units or sub-optimal number of simultaneously operating less powerful units are quite significant and can have a significant impact on overall energy consumption. Energy overruns at pumping stations also lead to significant overruns in electricity grid elements.

The modes of operation of powerful pumping stations are characterized by a slow change of coordinates over time. In many cases, this makes it possible to reasonably consider such modes as the set of quasi-stationary states that change each other without taking into account the influence of transients. The analysis of the nature of typical modes of pumping units of high-power pumping stations and their power supply systems substantiates the feasibility of isolating the studies of the steady state modes. The overwhelming amount of scientific work devoted to the modeling and analysis of modes of operation of high-power pumping stations concerns asynchronous electric drive pump units. The implementation of prospective controlled synchronous electric drive at pumping stations requires the creation of appropriate research tools.

Conducting full-scale experiments at operating pumping stations is costly, and quite often unacceptable, due to the need to disrupt their continuous functioning during experiments. Therefore, modeling the processes occurring in such objects is in most cases the only possible means of safely investigating them, as well as predicting energy-saving modes and measures. It is shown that the synthesis of energy-efficient steady-state control systems for such objects to improve their energy efficiency is usually not possible without computer simulation of the power unit. A mathematical model of steady state modes of power supply with frequency controlled synchronous electric drive of a centrifugal pump is offered. Using the created model, a number of test calculations of the established modes were performed. The graphical dependences of the basic coordinates on the relative flow rate of the working fluid at the inlet of the pipeline are presented.

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