
The United Nations as an entity for the protection of the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons

The article defines the concepts of internally displaced persons (hereinafter referred to as IDPs) and refugees. The role of the United Nations (hereinafter referred to as the UN) in protecting the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons has been studied, and the structure and general directions of its protective activities have been characterized.

Main population groups requiring social protection during wartime conditions

In the contemporary geopolitical context, Ukraine faces unprecedented challenges that demand specific approaches to the social protection of the most vulnerable population groups under wartime conditions. This article addresses the key aspects of legal and social assistance to three primary categories: internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees, war veterans and combat participants, and families of those killed in combat.

Legal regulation of the solutions to refugees’ issues and population exchange in Ukraine of the xx century: historical retrospective and modern vision

XX century was marked by large population migrations – in the world in general, in Europe, which survived two world wars, and in Ukraine in particular. Unfortunately, these migration processes were accompanied by a large number of refugees. Significant groups of the population have been leaving their usual places of residence semi-voluntarily, as a result of optation.

Forced migration: international standards of internally displaced persons in the national legislation

The article addresses the problem of compliance of national legislation with international
standards regarding the protection of rights and interests of internally displaced persons,
dwells upon the differentiation of international standards regarding internally displaced
persons and refugees, substantiates the need for a cross-section of international law in the
national legislation of each country to ensure a maximally consistent approach in designation
of rights and freedoms of all persons in a democratic society.

Activity of international non-governmental organizations in the field of human rights protection in conditions of Russian-Ukrainian conflict (Research Article)

The authors analyze the role of the non-governmental organizations from abroad in the sphere of human rights protection in Ukraine in the context of war happening now in Eastern Ukraine. The research covers the activity of International Federation for Human Rights, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, International Committee of the Red Cross and other NGOs involved in attracting the attention of the citizens and governments of all around the world to violations of human rights and international law in the conflict zone.

Problems and Challenges of the US Social Policy in the Context of Migration Crisis

Problems and challenges of EU social policy in the context of migration crisis are considered in the article. An attitude of individual member states to the migration crisis in Europe is researched. It has been determined that nowadays EU social policy remains a vulnerable area that requires a comprehensive unified approach and appropriate support to all its member states.