The article explores artificial intelligence (AI)-based tools and the potential for their application in enterprise management for entering foreign markets. The authors examine AI tools, highlighting their relevance in managing enterprises as they expand internationally, particularly for TradeUkrService LLC. The article identifies the main areas where AI systems can be applied during international market entry, highlighting their key benefits and drawbacks. It also addresses challenges the company may face in implementing AI tools in management when venturing abroad. Additionally, the article provides recommendations for the effective and efficient integration of AI tools into enterprise management to enhance the company’s foreign economic activities.
In today's conditions, information systems and technologies, as well as the external environment in general, have begun to develop more rapidly and actively. With the topicality of the topic of finding ways for an enterprise to interact with the global market, more and more attention is paid to the use of artificial intelligence as a tool for improving and simplifying business processes at the enterprise, in particular, entering foreign markets.
Artificial intelligence opens up significant potential for increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises in international markets, allowing them to more accurately determine market needs, find partners faster, automate logistics and customs clearance. The use of AI simplifies operational processes, freeing up resources for strategic goals and creating deeper interaction with customers. Despite the challenges associated with investments, staff training and rapid obsolescence of technologies, the correct implementation of AI provides long-term benefits. For successful integration, it is important to carry out careful planning, regularly update solutions and adapt to market changes, which will allow the enterprise to maintain a stable position in the conditions of international competition.
The article examines the general concept of artificial intelligence tools and provides specific examples that will be the most appropriate and effective in managing an enterprise when entering foreign markets, and also indicates key aspects of their implementation in the practical activities of the enterprise, in particular, TradeUkrService LLC.
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