сировинні ресурси


The article is devoted to the study of the prospects of using compost with sewage sludge in the raw material for the recultivation of disturbed lands. A special installation was used for bio-composting, which allowed controlling of the process parameters. The results of bio-indication of composts obtained under different conditions of compositions of the raw material mixture are given. Based on the analysis of the results of bio-indication, the optimal composition of the raw material mixture using "fresh" and "old" sewage sludge is established.

Zero-Waste Manufacturing in Ukraine: EU Experience

As of today, the principle of zero-waste production is not only a global trend, but also an effective mechanism for protecting and preserving the environment, as well as making fuller use of the resource potential of enterprises. The main idea of zero-waste manufacturing is the transformation of raw materials received by the enterprise, its residues, as well as waste obtained in the production process, into finished products that can generate income.

Analysis of Factors Influence on Tolling Operations of Enterprises

A lot of factors from the domestic, national and international environment have a significant influence on the decision to initiate tolling cooperation and its continuation. In today’s hyperdynamic and extremely uncertain economic conditions it has been substantiated that correlation-regression modeling is the most effective tool for quantitative analysis of the factors influencing the enterprise's tolling operations.