
Inspection of the Scene: Features of the Involvement of a Specialist

The features of involving a specialist during the examination of the scene have been considered. It is noted that one of the main functions of the state is to counter crime, which is the basis of its criminal justice policy in all its manifestations, directions, and forms. The criminal justice aspect of countering crime primarily involves the activities of law enforcement agencies in detecting and investigating criminal offenses, establishing the guilty parties in their commission, and holding them accountable.

Engagement of a specialist in the interrogation of juvenile victims of violent crimes

The article examines the organization and tactics of conducting and engaging a specialist to interrogate minors who have suffered from violent crimes. The purpose of involving a specialist is to help the investigator obtain reliable testimony using games, fairy tales, and other behavioral methods.

To the question of the legal status of other participants of the judicial proceedings in civil judiciaryм

Тhe article explores the main provisions of the civil procedural legislation regarding the legal regulation of the institute of other participants in the trial. The author emphasized the relevance of the research topic in the context of reforming the judicial system as a whole and the civil process in particular. Other litigants in civil proceedings form a separate group of civil procedural entities.

The use of the special knowledge is during the review of place of perfect murder

A concept and maintenance of the special knowledge that isused in the process of
investigation of murders are exposedin the article. Certainly directions of викорстання
specialistsduring the огліду place of event. The basic tasks of specialistthat is brought over to
the review of вчиненння of масуяmurder are outlined. Activity of спеціліста is considered
inrelation to an exposure, jigging and exception of tracks ofcrime during the огліду place of

Features of planning of investigation of crimes in the field of economics

In the article a concept and maintenance of planning of investigation of crimes are exposed in the field of economics. Scientific developments of problem of planning of investigation of crimes are analysed in criminal realization. The separate signs of economic crimes are certain that must be taken into account at the stowage of plan of their investigation. The basic mandatory members of planning of investigation of crimes are outlined in the field of economics. 

In relation to participating of specialist in review of livingman suspected of the illegal handling a firearm and explosive devices

A question is considered in relation to participation of specialists from the different areas of knowledge in review of living man suspected of the illegal handling a firearm and explosive devices, that will assist more complete and all-round receipt of evidential information during investigation of crimes. A current criminal process legislation determines participating in review of living man, at a necessity, medico-legal expert or doctor.