Тhe article explores the main provisions of the civil procedural legislation regarding the legal regulation of the institute of other participants in the trial. The author emphasized the relevance of the research topic in the context of reforming the judicial system as a whole and the civil process in particular. Other litigants in civil proceedings form a separate group of civil procedural entities. The main feature of this group of subjects of civil procedural relations is the lack of legal interest as a result of the consideration and resolution of a civil case, but their role and importance in solving the case is also significant. The CPC of Ukraine defines a list of other participants in the trial, and in separate articles outlines the legal status of each of them, but such a list cannot be considered complete, as discussions continue to involve such subjects as a teacher, a psychologist into the composition of other litigants. The article explores the foreign experience of legal regulation of the legal status of other participants in the civil process, as well as the issues of the institute of consultant, technical consultant in civil procedural law of foreign states. The article highlights the classifications of other litigants, namely the division into two groups: persons who, by virtue of their professional responsibilities, must carry out organizational and technical support of civil proceedings (assistant judge, court secretary, court administrator), these participants are in the state court, so sometimes they are referred to persons whose activities are related to justice; persons assisting with the consideration and settlement of the merits of the case (witness, expert, specialist, translator, expert in the field of law), also these participants in the process perform the function of facilitating the administration of justice in civil cases. The author also draws attention to the need to improve the legal regulation of the status of such subjects as the assistant judge and expert in the field of law, eliminating certain shortcomings of the conceptual apparatus of civil procedural legislation in the issue of other participants in the trial.
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