сталий розвиток


The existing conceptual approaches to assessment of the environmental security of the Eastern Carpathians have been analyzed. The original vision of the mechanism for maintaining sustainable development in the Pokutsko-Bukovinian Carpathians mountain ecosystem is proposed. The methodological approach used to determine the ecological status and the level of environmental safety of mountain areas is based on the use of sanitary-ecological indicators as sensitive determiners of environmental changes under the influence of the anthropogenic factor.


When 193 countries adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the concept of sustainable development received a new wave of attention. The present article argues that divergent views on the concept actually come together to make a system of common values shared by different actors across different intellectual disciples. This, in turn, provides space for experimentation the practical efforts in the area of sustainable development.

Внутрішня логіка житлової вулиці та чинники, які впливають на її формування

У статті окреслено функції житлової вулиці та розглянуто баланс між ними; досліджено чинники, які впливають на формування житлової вулиці, охарактеризовано взаємозв’язок між основними чинниками.

Motive forces of development of the new world civilization: imperative of social intelligence (Review Article)

The article investigates the actuality of the formation of a new responsible world civilization, examines the contemporary models of sustainable economic development of world civilization, developed by leading scholars of the present: the concept of «complete world» by Daley, the model of sustainable and humane global civilization by Raskin, a model of the zero marginal cost society and empathy civilization by Rifkin.

Funding of innovations in the agricultural sector of Ukraine under conditions of sustainable development model

The necessity of improving the model of innovations funding in the agrarian sector of Ukraine with the account of globalization processes is proven. The model constructed by the rule of «the golden sequence» is proposed.

Strategic directions for sustainable development of Ukraine

The article investigates the European Union’s ten-year growth strategy named Europe 2020. Attention is focused on the key indicators of climate change and power engineering. The current state and dynamics of greenhouse gases emissions indicators in Ukraine are compared with those in EU countries. The specific recommendations for the implementation of environmental policies at the regional level are proposed.

Thе formation of rеlationships schеmе in the systеm of managеmеnt of land rеsourcеs in the procеss of bordеring lands of statе and municipal propеrty as for sеttlеmеnts on the basis of institutional approach

In the article the problems of settlements land management in separation procedure of land in state and municipal property in the current stage of state development is shown. The management model of settlements land use which include the state, public and private interests are proposed.