state support

The pecularities of state support for startup industries in european countries

The article examines the specifics of state support for startup industries in European countries. The authors analyze the main directions and features of implementing state policies in the field of innovation and startup entrepreneurship development. Existing tools for activating innovative and startup activities applied worldwide were identified. State support for the startup industry includes financial and non-financial assistance, as well as the creation of a favorable business environment.

Organizational and legal basis of supporting the development of organic production in Ukraine at the state and local levels

This article is devoted to the analysis of one of the most relevant areas of development of the agricultural sector in Ukraine – organic agricultural production. The mechanism of support and encouragement of the domestic producer has been studied. An important aspect is the legislative regulation of organic farming, its problems and prospects based on the experience of other states, as well as the possibility of implementation at the state level.

The Problems of Small and Medium-sized Business in the Convention of the Covid-19 Pandemic: the European Dimension

An important role in the development of economic systems of the world’s leading countries is played by small and medium-sized businesses, which are the basis of the economy, create GDP, are a significant source of budget replenishment, provide the largest number of jobs. In the conditions of open economy it is important to compare the national economy with European and world countries, to define strategies that will set the vector of development of a competitive country and ensure accelerated economic growth.

Methods of public regulation of agrarian holdings’ activities in Ukraine

This article considers theoretical aspects of public regulation of agrarian holdings’ activities in Ukraine through the methods of public regulation. The article examines the influence of the State on holding enterprises in the agrarian sector of Ukraine as on the object of regulation. The necessity of state support for holding enterprises has been scientifically substantiated.

Modelling vocational training of specialists for the speciality 017 “Physical culture and sports”: ways and methods of incorporating regional peculiarities and needs in conditions of the stage education

Problem setting. Improving vocational training, advancing professionalism of specialists in the field of physical culture largely determines the success of its leading role in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of diseases, formation of humanistic values, as well as in creating conditions for comprehensive harmonious development of a human, promoting the achievement of physical and spiritual perfection of a person, revealing the reserve potential of the organism, forming patriotic feelings in citizens and positive image of the state.

Implementation of the right to education of internal transful persons

The article examines the problems of implementing the right to education of children who are internally displaced persons. The analysis of legislative acts of Ukraine in the realization of the right to education of internally displaced persons is carried out. The scope of problems faced by IDPs and territorial communities in the realization of the right to education is outlined.