
Analytical review of the temperature fixed points

Standards of physical quantities are used for reproduction and storage of physical units as well as for transfer its size by appropriate measuring instrument. The temperature is an intense value and is determined only indirectly depending on certain physical quantities of temperature, for example, resistance, thermoelectric power and so on. This situation has led to the fact that there are several temperature scales, each of which has its unit of temperature measure.

Improvement of two-conductor thermoresistive converters with commutative inverting of sample currents

The improved method of compensation the influence of the lead wire resistance for two-wire resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) on the basis of commutation inverting of the reference measuring currents is proposed. For the averaging of signals generated as a result of commutation inverting of reference measuring currents, predominantly low-pass filters are used. Their usage limits the speed of temperature measurement.

Low velocity zones in the Earth crust and them petrophysical features

As low velocity zones result from temperature destruction of rocks uncompensated by pressure at 5-20 km depths, changes in T at these depths can lead to change in intensity of the thickness of these zones and rate of decrease in Vp within them. Crustal thermobaric zones are shown to increase, decrease and disappear depending on ∂T/∂Н, ∂Р/∂Н, λ, Т. Instability of the crustal thermobaric zones of low velocity result in their episodic occurrence in the crust and their vertical and horizontal migration depending on temperature fluctuations in the crust.

Система контролю температури та вологості на базі PSOC з використанням наноструктурованих давачів

Спроектовано спеціалізовану систему з мікропроцесорним обробленням сигналу на базі перепрограмованої системи на кристалі PSoC для контролю таких параметрів середовища, як температура та відносна вологість з використанням розроблених наноструктурованих давачів. Розроблено базу даних для реєстрації, зберігання та аналізу параметрів стану довкілля.

Теплові явища при електрофрикційній розрізці заготовок

Are ways electrical frictional cutting billets by friction circular saws. The features of thermal phenomena in the processing and developed a mathematical model for calculating the contact temperature in the cutting zone, which takes into account complex thermo-physical conditions and modes of processing, thereby allowing control of processes of heat generation and the quality of the machined surface.

Heat Exchange between Thermometer Well and Pipe Wall in Natural Gas Metering Systems

This paper deals with the accuracy of gas flow temperature measurement in natural gas metering systems. The effect of heat exchange between thermometer well and the pipe wall on the accuracy of gas flow temperature measurement is investigated. A mathematical model is proposed to calculate the additional systematic error of gas flow temperature measurement caused by heat exchange between thermometer well and the pipe wall. Calculation results were compared to the corresponding experimental values of this error.