
Дослідження можливості підвищення точності вимірювання температури обертових об’єктів

Виконано дослідження методів та можливості підвищення точності вимірювання температури обертових об’єктів. Розроблено кристалооптичний метод, що дає змогу вимірювати температуру для випадків її швидкої і циклічної зміни та забезпечити дистанційні вимірювання з мінімальним тепловідведенням, а також за наявності електричного потенціалу на об’єктах з одним вікном

Моделювання температурних режимів у термочутливому шарі з тепловиділяючим включенням паралелепіпедної форми малих розмірів

Розглядається стаціонарна нелінійна задача теплопровідності для ізотропного шару з чужорідним тепловиділяючим паралелепіпедним включенням малих розмірів із тепловіддачею. Запропонована методика розв’язування цієї задачі та її застосування для конкретної залежності коефіцієнта теплопровідності матеріалу шару від температури.

Research of the parameters of the modern climate control system in office premises

Measuring and controlling the temperature of the environment in the room is one of the most important measurements that a person makes every day. Temperature measurements are used to control objects where it is important to constantly maintain a certain temperature regime, or where sharp temperature changes can affect the efficiency of the final result of the operation of this object. Remote control of these indicators will allow the management to quickly intervene in the work of the enterprise to eliminate problems that may lead to a loss of the object's productivity.

Theory and Practice of Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Transducers

Temperature is one of the main parameters that determine the quantitative and qualitative indicators of products. Therefore, it is difficult to name a field of technology or a branch of industry where it would not be necessary to measure the temperature of solid, liquid, or gaseous substances.


This paper presents the design and development of an intelligent air quality monitoring system that utilizes the widely adopted and versatile Arduino Uno microcontroller as its foundational platform. The system underwent comprehensive testing procedures to ensure its adherence to specified requirements. Moreover, a series of experiments were conducted in diverse areas of a residential environment to generate datasets for various air quality indicators.

Determination and analysis of the thermoelastic state of layered orthotropic cylindrical shells

The fundamental relations of the quasi-static problem of thermoelasticity are written for a finite layered orthotropic cylindrical shell of an antisymmetric structure.  Under convective heat transfer on the surfaces of this shell and under a linear dependence of temperature on the transverse coordinate, the basic system of equations for the integral characteristics of temperature is given.  The method is proposed for solving the formulated problems of thermoelasticity and thermal conductivity, using the double finite integral Fourier transform with respect to the corres


The paper documents the determination of the required volumetric air flow of the ventilation unit for the purpose of ventilating the selected lecture room. The contribution briefly characterizes the legislative requirements valid in Slovakia and Poland. Particular attention was paid to the regulations of the Ministry of Health, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic and regulations of the Ministry of Education and Sport, Ministry of Infrastructure and European standards.

Optimization of Thermal Subsystem of Thermo Transducers for Measuring the Temperature of Gas Flows

The error of measuring the temperature of gas flows by contact methods consists of two main components: 1) the error that occurs in the process of measuring the physical quantity into which the temperature is converted (the error of the measuring means); 2) errors arising in the process of converting the temperature into a measured physical value using a thermo transducer.


To study the metrological characteristics, there were studied manufactured based on the Ti-Cu-Co-Si alloy, obtained by quenching from the melt, the sensitive element of the resistance thermotransducer. The instability of its metrological characteristics as a function of temperature up to 350 oC and operation time up to 3000 hours was investigated; it does not exceed 0.025% under the worst operating conditions. In addition, the methodological error of measurement caused by heating of the sensitive element by the measuring current was examined.

Optimization of Epoxidation Palm-Based Oleic Acid to Produce Polyols

Optimization of epoxidation by using response surface methodology (RSM) based on three-level three-factorial central composite design (CCD) was used. Response percentage of relative oxirane content (%RCO) was studied to determine the optimum reaction condition for production of polyols. The predicted value of model (85 %) was excellent in accordance to experimental value (81 %).