

The Carpathian Euroregion comprises of five countries: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Ukraine, as the Euroregion's fifth state, aspires to join the EU. As a result, we chose to compare Slovak Republic as an EU member state and Serbia and Ukraine as candidate countries. To support waste reduction and a circular economy, European law establishes waste management principles incorporated into national legislation across all EU member states. The key document of Slovakia is the Envirostrategy 2030, which sets a target of 60% recycling and 10% landfilling by 2030.

Cossack Self-Government in Zaporozhya Sich as a Component of the State Tradition of Ukraine

Problem statement. Zaporizhzhya Sich and the Hetmanate became an important link between the early feudal states of Kievan Rus and the Galicia-Volyn principality and modern state-building processes in Ukraine. Therefore, it is especially important to study the experience of Cossack self-government in the formation of Ukrainian statehood as a component of the state tradition of Ukraine.

Domestic legal argumentation in defending of the ukrainian national case

The article is devoted to the consideration of the specifics of legal argumentation in defense of the Ukrainian national system.
It is determined that the modern doctrine of legal argumentation arose as a result of generalization and systematization of techniques and methods of controversy, which were common in ancient Greece. Of course, the ability to persuade people, to make argumentative arguments against their opponents, to support their facts, to influence not only the minds but also the feelings and emotions of listeners, has become extremely important.

Dynamics of sedimentation within the southwestern slope of the East European platform in the Silurian-Early Devonian

Purpose. The objective of this study is the investigation of the Silurian-Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) carbonate-clay sedimentary complex of the southwestern slope of the East-European platform. Its formation was the result of a single cycle of geodynamic and sedimentary events in the lithological record of the southern continental margin of Baltica. Methodology. The study is based on well-logs correlation, lithological and geochemical investigations of core samples, and petrographic thin sections analysis.


The issue of spreading pro-Russian propaganda in the most popular telegram channels of Odesa region is considered in the paper. It is established that in scientific discourse there are practically no studies on this topic. The most studied problems are: the spread of propaganda in the Telegram by international terrorist groups (ISIS, Alkaida), as well as the blocking of this network in Russia and other authoritarian states.

Local executive authorities and public associations of Ukraine: general state, problems and prospects of interrelationships

The development of interrelationships of local executive authorities with public associations is analyzed, the content of the existing problems in the process of interrelationships of these institutions, as well as prospects for their solving are defined.

Organizational, legal and financial basis of logistical support for the activities of internal affairs authorities of Ukraine

The organizational, legal and financial basis of logistical support for the activities of internal affairs authorities in the context of national security of Ukraine is analysed as well as their role in the regulatory process of necessary technical equipment supply is revealed. The ways to improve legal and financial conditions of logistical support for the activities of internal affairs authorities are identified.

Mechanism of public participation in reforming modern law enforcement bodies

The role of civic organizations, including experts from the public sector and the Reanimation Package of Reforms in drafting bills aimed at reforming the law enforcement system of Ukraine is cleared up. The essence of main proposals for solving problems in rebuilding the structure of law enforcement agencies, their tasks and directions of activity to ensure domestic tranquility, protect human and citizens’ rights and freedoms, is revealed.