
Mechanism of public participation in reforming modern law enforcement bodies

The role of civic organizations, including experts from the public sector and the Reanimation Package of Reforms in drafting bills aimed at reforming the law enforcement system of Ukraine is cleared up. The essence of main proposals for solving problems in rebuilding the structure of law enforcement agencies, their tasks and directions of activity to ensure domestic tranquility, protect human and citizens’ rights and freedoms, is revealed.

Improving the legal mechanism of state regulation in ecological sphere of Ukraine

Total globalization and industrialization of modern society raises the problem of environmental pollution and requires the provision of rational nature management. These processes require state institutions of effective control and supervision, the introduction of preventive environmental measures, the development of methods for the rational use of natural resources and environmentally sound technologies. The normative-legal regulation of the functioning of the institute of public inspectors in the ecological sphere is researched.

Modern directions of state national policy for emergency medical services

The article analyzes the state national policy concerning the functioning of the emergency health care system, in particular its subsystem — sanitary aviation. The experience of different regions of Ukraine regarding the revival of emergency health care system by means of sanitary aviation is considered. The approaches to solve this problem by state authorities, civil society and commercial structures are also explored.

Analysis of the information component of the interaction of public organizations of medical staff with state authorities

The article examines the state of the Internet representation of medical personnel public organizations in the context of the regions of Ukraine. In particular, the reflection of the activities of such public organizations on the official sites of regional health care departments and/or regional state administrations is analyzed. The activities of the public association “Lviv Regional Association of Medical Sisters” (NGO “LOAMS”) as a typical representative of such organizations are considered in more detail.

Professional secondary education system in Ukraine: legal supply

Problem setting. Nowadays the content of secondary education in Ukraine does not take into account individual characteristics of the students and it is not focused on the formation of creative potential and  system of  knowledge by interests, the educational process is overburdened with secondary factual material and  is overly regulated. It necessitates the search  and implementation of new approaches to organization of  educational process in high school.

Reforms in the field of law, judicial proceedings and justice as a factor in the formation of a political association between Ukraine and the EU

Problem setting. The processes of globalization and international European integration in the modern world set a priority task for Ukraine to implement the provisions of the association agreement between Ukraine and the EU. The formation of a political association and a deep and comprehensive free trade area between Ukraine and the EU depends on the successful reform in the field of Law, judicial proceedings and Justice of Ukraine in the context of European integration.

Comparative and legal analysis of crimes against national security in the criminal codes of Ukraine and Poland

The article presents a comprehensive comparative legal analysis of crimes against national security according to the criminal codes of Ukraine and Poland. The authors analyze the common approaches of the legislator of countries to the criminalization of socially dangerous acts in the relevant field, the differences in these approaches. Based on the analysis of the current criminal code of the Republic of Poland, the authors propose a number of new norms for a special part of the Ukrainian criminal law. In particular, the authors propose to supplement Art.


This article is an attempt to interpret the architectural decoration of the
Sieniawski Palace (Medzhybizh, 16th century) and typologically related monuments of
Eastern European castle and sacred architecture in the context of Protestant
symbolism. Attics of a specific type are considered as a characteristic typological
The Medzhybizh Fortress complex has several buildings with attics. The
differences between the types of «early Renaissance» and «Polish» attics are given, on