Suffixe method of creation of terms in homoeopathy

: pp. 82 - 85

Lukovenko T. Suffixe method of creation of terms in homoeopathy // Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2016. – # 842.

Donbass State Pedagogical University

This article continues the series of publications of the author on the study of vocabulary Ukrainian homeopathic industry. The proposed work presents the analysis of derivative processes in studied terminology. In particular, the suffix method of creating terms defined as a level of performance of certain types of structural word in the creation of homeopathic terms. Relevance of the article due to the need to study and systematize ways of creating terms homeopathic field, which today remains less explored at linguistic level.

This article continues the series of publications of the author on the study of vocabulary in Ukrainian homeopathic industry. The proposed work presents the analysis of derivative processes in studied terminology. In particular, the suffix method of creating terms defined level of performance of certain types of structural word in the creation of homeopathic terms.

Relevance of the article lies in the need to study and systematize ways of creating terms in homeopathic field, which today remains less explored at linguistic level.

The purpose of the proposed study is to analyze the creation and definition of the specific terms processes in modern Ukrainian Homeopathic terminology.

The task is defining major trends of the term formation in homeopathy and determining the degree of performance of certain types of structural word.

The system of affixed derivation plays the active role in suffixal way for extensions characterized by significant "range" of values from concrete to abstract widely, giving terms to which they are the only performing semantic meaning and function. By origin the suffixes are divided into resistivity and Ukrainian borrowed.

Suffixes derivation method is the most common way of creating morphological terms in Ukrainian Homeopathic terminology.

Conducted review allows concluding that the studied terminology suffixes is one of the main ways of creating and Suffixes derivational formants are numerous and varied.

Much of the terms of homeopathy appeared to have suffix method and specific suffixes. Thus, homeopathy productive in terms of word building type suffix -nn (I) (-ann (I) -enn (I)), which combines verbal nouns with the general meaning of process steps or abstract concept called for action (taking - use, rub - rubbing, tryturuvaty - tryturuvannya, filter - filtering, etc.). Derivatives of this type of word-formative constitute 16% of all one word terms.

The article deals with the functioning of the terms in homeopathic field formed by derivational suffixes -nyk models, -k (a) (-nk (a) -achk (a) -yachk (a)). -yn (a) (-tyn (a)). -yn (a) and others.

Much of the terms of homeopathy formed suffixal way with foreign suffixes.

So, word building type with the suffix -ist- - noun forms represented and celebrated the diversity of lexical-semantic meanings: adjective (participle) formation express sign abstraction or properties of anything, aggressive - aggressive, adequate - adequacy, etc .; noun category, meaning people for behavior characteristic: antagonism - antagonist optimism - optimistic, pessimistic - so pessimistic; Suffixes units, meaning people on their attitude to certain concepts, trends, areas, etc: kompleksyzm - kompleksyst, unitsyzm - unitsyst and others.

Derivatives of homeopathy productive word-formative type derived from specific language and international basis and constitute about 24% of all one word terms.

This was found functioning as the terms established by using suffixes -ator- (-yator-). -ent-. -atsi (I), (-yatsi (I) -These (I) -yzm- (-ism -) .- AT. and more.

A single expression in terms of homeopathy have the following types of word building suffixes -ar-, -b (a) -ot (a) -nytstv (o) and others.

Consequently conducted research allows to state that suffix method of creating the terms has high performance in terms of homeopathy. Word building is the most productive types of suffixes -ist-, -nn (I) (-ann (I) -enn (I)). In general, terminology suffixes values ​​are more specialized than the word creative means of language.

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