
Особливості проектування системи тестування знань на основі технології клієнт/сервер

Проаналізовано основні аспекти побудови засобів тестування знань користувачів та наведено особливості проектування системи тестування знань на основі технології клієнт/сервер.

The article analyzes the main aspects of construction and testing of knowledge of users are testing the design features of knowledge-based technology client / server.

Аналіз та класифікація програмних засобів тестування знань

Здійснено класифікацію відомих програмних засобів тестування знань, наведено основні модулі розробленої системи iLaT.

The article makes a classification of known software testing knowledge, are the main modules of the developed system iLaT.

Systematic Mapping Study on Verification and Validation of Industrial Third-party Iot Applications

The next industrial revolution commonly known as Industry 4.0 represents the idea of interconnected manufacturing, where intelligent devices, systems and processes exchange information, resources and artifacts to optimize the complete value-added chain and to reduce costs and time-to- market. Industrial software ecosystems are a good example how the latest digitalization trends are applied in the industry domain and how with the help of industrial IoT applications the production process can be optimized.


It is important to carry out metrological confirmation of the used measuring equipment in order to obtain reliable measurement results during the conformity assessment of products. Assessment of the metrological confirmation of the measuring equipment confirms its conformity with the given measuring task. For proper performance of this task it is necessary to have an appropriate measurement  technique.

Environmental monitoring, control of extraction and processing of pollymetalic ores based on X-ray radiometric investigations

Purpose. The purpose of research - the creation of effective systems for monitoring and quality control of copper-bearing ores and their products at the stages of mining and processing of nonferrous metallurgy flagship redistribution of Kazakhstan on "Zhezkazgan» "Kazakhmys Corporation" due to the wide use of modern nuclear-geophysical technology testing tools and hardware and analysis of ores and industrial products of their processing in which problems are solved highly effective environmental monitoring. Methods.